Scott Bessac OG MMA/Lion’s Den AMA

He fought Tito, Bas, Diaz…. He doesn’t seem like the type to price himself out over self preservation. I dunno.


When you’re tested there are many levels and different types of sociopaths. I am a charming, manipulating, self-absorbed and violent to men one.with animals, women, children, the elderly and disabled I am very compassionate and caring. I like animals far more then humans.I dirieve no pleasure in hurting anyone or thing weaker than myself. I am basically an introvert but can be anybody anybody wants me to be. I am far from a coward have never called a gf,fiance or my wife the b word ever. Have never laid a harsh hand on them.I get what I want through emotional manipulation. Cimone my ex wife I was married to calls me the grand illusion. Bundy was a Sociopath but on a whole different level
Jesse James was one but like me treated his wife Zelda and his children with only love but he also committed 18 murders and no regrets after his killing in the Civil War. It is a tricky part to walk and there are no meds or therapy that will help. So for myself I am a christen, so I constantly catch myself all day long and say no that is not being helpful that is a illogical way to look at that situation let’s find a way that society has deemed appropriate

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Beef real beef not Lion’s Den related but real shit

Hey Scott, just wanted to say that this has been an absolutely fascinating read. Thank you for taking the time to share your memories and stories, even after some disrespectful comments.


Excellent read. It took me a few days to get here but I’ve read every post. Thanks Scott for being honest and not sugar coating things.

I hope I’m not going to keep coming across like " no , listen to me , I’m right about this " . I’m not saying that at all.
This is a subject that fascinates me though.
So far we haven’t actually disagreed on anything. I agree with what you’re saying. It’s a bit slippery as your saying, is a sociopath ( on the spectrum) is it closer to the narcissist or psychopath.
The thing is, they give themselves a lot of wiggle room to make that diagnosis.
All the things you described can be attributed to a psychopath.
You’ve said you’re self absorbed. But do you care about what other people think of you / how you’re perceived.
I’m guessing not at all. You’ve eluded to that many times in this thread ( which I’ve really enjoyed, thank you ) that’s a trait fairly unique to psychopaths.
Can I ask , what traits do you believe separate you from a psychopath?
Putting themselves first and manipulating people to get what they want basically goes without saying in psychopathathy. It’s just what they do.
They can also rationalise things as you’re saying and know what is and isn’t appropriate according to their own "code ".

I’ll try to make a point which might help.
If Ted Bundy walked into a dark ally and saw ten massive dudes gang raping his sister , he’s not going to flick a switch and try to kill them all unarmed. ( I don’t know this but I’m deducing it through the nature of his crimes and what I know about him) yes he would if he had a machine gun. Or he’d think of some way to kill every last one of them individually.
You , and ( I want to say all but that may or may not be an overreach ) psychopaths would flick that that switch and start attacking them even though you’d know you’d most likely end up dead. Even if you had never been involved with the lion’s den or even had a particularly violent upbringing.


Thank you brother and thank you for listening. If you have a question just ask. I am doing this for Y’all who have had to listen to lies,rumors, egotistical comments that make no sense and just the not knowing. Just ask and I will answer to my best ability.


No problem. Thank you for listening

I have to applaud your efforts on trying to understand these brain malfunctions. I think yes maybe I am a psychopath. Have pondered on that idea quite extensively. My thoughts are that since I am controlled by no impluses, fetishes, compulsions or deep childhood abuses. I am not a psychopath,I have and will never have a trigger that sets off a series of horrific events. My life is simple, stable, drama free and quiet because that is what I have been given. No anger issues,no loneliness, no sorrow, no planing, no enjoyment, no worries, no really any emotion unless it involves my cat,son,family, women, children, animals the elderly and disabled. It makes for myself a perfect life. When I want something from somebody I always get it through emotional manipulation and charm. At no point will I ever snap because I really don’t care about the world to be affected by its daily happenings


You vs. Tank… How does it end?

See Sociopath s manipulate, charm,lie,pretend to love,pretend to show emotion and can really be anybody they want to be depending on what the person they are using wants them to be. Psychopaths would go shooting down that alley because their grasp on reality is a loose one. Myself would go shooting down the alley because I already know what I’m capable of. For me it’s not a suicide mission it’s just another day where emotions don’t interfere with my critical thinking. I do what I do,therefore I shall do what I do.simple

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Since I was going to start wearing gloves and really start perfecting my stand up. Very quickly and violently with tank face planted on the canvas. Fear only works if the opponent has the capability to feel it. Without it,it’s just a slow, plodding, telegraphic slug with a big bulls eye as a head


Nice to hear you are good to animals. What about Frank Shamrock who tied his mother’s dog to a truck at the airport for 4 days?

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One of the reasons I made a point of this is by my understanding there’s a lot of confusion/ misuse of terminology on this issue.
I can quite confidently say that judging by both of your post’s ( thank you for the reply and discourse) you’re misguided in your understanding of the behaviours/ tendencies/ propensities of the constitution regarding sociopaths and psychopaths
( I’ve had a few beers and tend to use big words unnecessarily. I apologise )

As I said earlier. Psychopaths are not all carved with the same brush. They all have their own personalitys, it just the levels are dial up to 10 due to lack of inhabitation. And above all . It has nothing to do with upbringing. They are most certainly born that way.

Not so at all. They would do it if they felt it the right thing in their mind. If the person getting gang fucked was some bitch ( and I know this goes against your code (( sorry for using the B word )) in high school that fucked them over, then would just as quickly join in.
They don’t have a conscience. They rely on rationality.
They can dictate to themselves what they deem rational / moral / appropriate behaviour.
Us regular plebs are guided for the most part by what society deems acceptable. ( I know you are too , but that’s by choice. Not by some ephemeral mindlessness that guides us to go along to get along In our everyday lives).
As you’ve said previously. Life is so much easier for you. Your not burdened by the things that keep us awake at night. Things are simpler.

I’m not diagnosing you over the internet . That can only be done effectively through " multiple consultations " with someone who’s " truly qualified ".
I’d like if you found someone who knows their shit about this subject ,to ask them if anything I said is inaccurate.
It’s kind of like philosophy ( which you mentioned earlier). ( not quite ) . In that , for the people who know about it ,look at those who don’t as so far beyond the level of basic they’re barely qualified to ask a question. That’s the field of psychology.
But in amongst themselves there’s not as much consensus as an outsider would presume. Thier constantly updating/ redefining things in a way thats similar to the scientific method , just as beaucratic , just as stubborn/flawed, ultimately awaiting the approval /disapproval for them to move forward as they know best.

Here’s some real questions.
How do you get the ol lady to snap the fuck outta her mood when she’s pissd off and doesn’t want to see the sight of ya over some bullshit that you don’t even know what’s happened( talking for me and the other boys here). Flowers don’t work. I know not to do that when she’s angry else I’ll get em chucked in me face. ( probably in the bin when I’m not looking).
Is it just a case of sifting through the Sheila’s till you find the one or what. ( I’m gonna be with my girl forever, she’s the mother of my kid and I love her . That’s my code ).
Give us some tips on how to keep a woman happy mate. ( not pick up chicks) and something other than agreeing and complementing.


Thanks for a wonderful thread. It brings back the early MMA days. I became a fan around 1998 and lived those times.

Ken does come across as rather insecure and focused on himself. Did this get in the way of training and improving?

I was fortunate to train under Carlson Sr. in Chicago for 4 years before he passed. You would have liked him as he was a great coach and friend…



This is the event Tony and Vernon finally got noticed. Tony absolutely destroyed a guy. I got photos of the guy afterward, NSFW, lol. The ref went to sleep on that one.

I have a ton of old photos of the Lions Den fighters at various events. I don’t want to muck up this thread with too many photos. This is the best thread ever on the UG. Epically if your old school, so many things make more sense now.


Scott- I have heard stories with lots of fighters. Can you tell us what it was like in public in Japan? You guys were total stardom over there. What was it like going out? Out of 10 people in public how many knew who you were?


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Scott- were you still with the Den when Jerry Bohlander came into the fold? If so, what is your opinion of him and his skills? Do you still keep in touch with any of the guys?

Also, there is something of a no-gi grappling renaissance occurring now. I know you said you much prefer stand up fighting, BUT I’m sure with your place in history and pedigree, you could attract a lot of students who want to learn the old Catch style of grappling as taught in Japan. Minus the jumping-in, of course.

Interesting to watch. Scott stated he thought legit psycho’s should be put down & possibly that that’s what he would do? And you’re building a strong argument for him actually being a psychopath.
