Scott Junk-TUF 10 viewing party

Scott Junk is having a TUF 10 viewing party this Wedenesday September 16 at 7:00pm at Giovanni Pastrami's on the Waikiki Beach walk. There will be prize giveaways and a grand prize trip for 2 to the TUF Finale in December. Come down and support.

I heard Giovanni's holds good viewing parties.

Scotty Junk = Good people

TTT for MMAD!!

is this the same party mmahawaii is promoting?


I believe they are involved also.

I got to make sure my TiVo tapes all the episodes.

Looking forward to Scott smashing some dudes.

so how was it?

Happy to see Scott up there and I hope he does well.


It was fun, alot people there to watch. During commercials Scott talks about the behind the scenes stuff. He elaborates on something that happened but didn't air for show. They also give away prizes. I will be there again next week. You guys should come down


Sounds like a cool set up. Too lazy to drive out though.

was there seating? sometimes that place gets crowded.

Giovani has a good set up....imo

I too avoid Waikiki whenever possible though.

Very cool of Scott to share his experiances.

There was seating and they were very accomodating to us. Come support Scott as he reps Hawaii.

I would like to make it down one night at least. I'll consult the boss. Ranman, put in a good word for me next time you bump in to my wife.


You got it.