Scott Smith - Great Guy

Very humble guy and exciting in the ring. Always gives his opponents credit. Looking forward to seeing this guy again.

GREAT guy, nice punch after the KO, TERRIBLE farts!!

Self explanitory really.

Smith's KO of Sell is an alltime great.

Best KO EVA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im a Fan ! Terrell Fight in Anaheim , he got hosed.

one of the nicest guys i have ever met and definitely the worst gas any human can have.

Scotty is the man, except for the farting problem

Wish Scott could have held up on that last punch to the unconscious Noke's mouth. Heat of the moment, understand plus the Ref has to be quicker in that situation. Big John would have been in position..

TTT for Scott though outstanding power in the right hand!

"Wish Scott could have held up on that last punch to the unconscious Noke's mouth"

i think that shows great instincts


TTT for the farting problem.