Screw Akiyama!

.... Wanderlei vs Anderson for the belt at 116.. make it happen!

I don't think Anderson can cut to 116, too light.

insomnia - I don't think Anderson can cut to 116, too light.

he just have to maintain his current weight

Can't wait for this fight(shit shoulda happened in Australia) Sexyama is gonna BRUTALIZE wandy.

threestars35 - 
insomnia - I don't think Anderson can cut to 116, too light.

he just have to maintain his current weight


 Battle of the Silvas.  But Wandy cannot cut to 116.  Neither can I, at 5'6"  150lb.

Akiyama is going to beat silva to the punch and take him down ALOT in they're fight.

Wand will take his first loss to an asian fighter.

Then akiyama needs to drop to 170 and be an immediate competitor for the ww title.

akiyama vs GSP in canada would be HUUUUGE!!!!!!