Seagal set up key meetings between Russian officia

Was just coming here to post this.

Completely surreal.

John Clarke - 
buckshot44 -

Can someone please splain to me why Seagal is wearing two watches?  Or is one of them a compass?  And if so, does that mean he's Out for Justice?


I think one is an altimeter in case he needs to bail mid flight. Phone Post 3.0

Dude if a pushes a button on the one on the top, a fireball comes out his ass and hits Putin!


nexus6ca - This new is amazingly WFA.

Wrestling Federation of America?

Wrong Forum Asshole?

Lazer MMA - 
microbiologynerd - 

Screen Shot 2013-06-03 at 1.45.28 PM

ABC – The former action film hero has apparently developed a web of high level contacts in Russia, which he tapped into for a visiting delegation of American lawmakers who came, in part, to investigate April’s Boston marathon bombing. One suspect in that bombing, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, spent six months last year in Dagestan, a restive region in southern Russia. The meetings, it appears, yielded little new information about the Boston suspect and no smoking gun to suggest an intelligence failure. ”There is nothing specific that could’ve been done that we can point to that, had it been done differently, would’ve prevent this,” said Rep Dana Rohrabacher, the Republican from California who led the delegation. But Rohrabacher, who said he has known Seagal for “a number of years” and said the two had often discussed “thwarting radical Islamic terrorism,” repeatedly praised the actor for “going out of his way” to set up meetings for the delegation in Russia. ”We are very appreciative of the help he has given this congressional delegation to make sure we accomplished our mission,” Rohrabacher said.

"Tell Anderson I'm a little busy right now with Mr. Putin but I'll call him back soon." "Thank you Boris"

"OK get me AS on the line now Boris"

Lazer MMA - 
Card - 

Damn Card! In with Putin!! LOL, the UG did not like him training AS & Machida & did not believe both of them when they gave him credit, LMFAO

"Why TF are those congressman late"? This is an outrage Mr. Putin! I'll deal with them".

buckshot44 - 

Can someone please splain to me why Seagal is wearing two watches?  Or is one of them a compass?  And if so, does that mean he's Out for Justice?


Well obviously he wears a watch on each arm just in case he loses one in a sword fight.

LOL, Ninja

This is unbelievable....Makes me reconsider just who Seagal really is.

One watch for some Russian time zone and other for Pacific time. Phone Post 3.0

buckshot44 - 

Can someone please splain to me why Seagal is wearing two watches?  Or is one of them a compass?  And if so, does that mean he's Out for Justice?


Because the only opponent that thretens him, is time.

7th degree dan in Aikido

Seagal looks like his own evil twin super villain now.

That's cool, but he's still full of shit. Phone Post 3.0

"Can someone please splain to me why Seagal is wearing two watches?  Or is one of them a compass?  And if so, does that mean he's Out for Justice?"


One is the time normal people believe it to be. The other is set to Seagal time.

Married a Revlon model and then beat the shit out of her!(after abandoning his wife and kids in Japan)

Convinced her to name their child after the babysitter they hired. Had an affair and left her for the babysitter!

Groped a young Katherine Heigl's breast in public!

Unseen -
buckshot44 - 

Can someone please splain to me why Seagal is wearing two watches?  Or is one of them a compass?  And if so, does that mean he's Out for Justice?


Because the only opponent that thretens him, is time.


He keeps one five minutes fast... That way time can't sneak up on him. Phone Post 3.0

one watch is set to chuck norris time. it is hard set on 12:00, where the day either starts or ends.