Sean Strickland CONFRONTED by Ian Garry in Vegas


Strickland would fook him up


All the world’s a stage.

Virtually identical


Strickland has been in more fights in the last months sparring than Garry has had in his career.

Not a fair fight.


As a fighter, it’s honestly a good thing for them to come from a rough background. Not absolutely essential for you to be poor in order to be a great fighter but it is helpful.

If you can overcome the the mental block of being poor you can be great. Garry hasn’t paid the price Strickland has. Strickland would hurt him bad.


Strickland fighting Garry would look like a boxer fighting a pitbull. Just different levels of fight in the dog. Garry would wilt under the pressure and viciousness Strickland fights with.

On top of fact Strickland would crack Garry in his little peanut head and bust his underdeveloped jaw into puzzle pieces.

Regardless of the show Garry puts on if they see each other in public, if they were both in a dark alley and no one was in screaming distance, Garry would trying running for his life at some point.

There is a darkness in Strickland that I don’t think regular people could understand. It’s going to come out at some point. The brain trauma of sparring and fighting isn’t going to help him. Strickland won’t be able to suppress who is he really is forever.


This Garry dude reminds me of James Vick


quality post

i hope Sean stops that no-time-limit sparring to see what’s what. he has the potential to keep taking damage without thinking about life after 40.

but the bottom line is that he’s in the super-prime of his life, he’s awesome and extreme so bad decisions will be part of the gig. extremely entertaining chap, Stickland for president!

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I’ve grown into a huge fan of the guy because of his attitude. He’s not a stupid guy and he’s actually quite skilled but the real reason that’s he champion is because of the dog inside him.

I’m afraid when he no longer has the purpose fighting gives him the darkness in him will take over. The way and frequency he spars is a catch 22. He wouldn’t have made it to where he is without sparring the way he does. Because of the way he spars his reads are on point and his cardio is exceptional.

He was never going to beat guys on sheer skill or speed. But sparring the way he does will wear out his chin and reflexes fast. But he needs so spar like he does to show up in the condition he needs to be in to beat physically superior and more skilled opponents. His chin will not be there but the desire to fight still will be and all the crazy thoughts that he has pass through his mind that he doesn’t act on now won’t seem so crazy.

I honestly hope the guy meets a normal girl and has a couple of sons because I think having to put someone else’s needs above his crazy thoughts is the only thing that will keep the lunatic he really is locked away somewhere deep inside of him. Guys like him usually end up being pretty good dads because they want to be there for their sons and be the kind of father they never had.

If that guy doesn’t have a reason to not listen to the lunatic voice inside of his head after he retires he’s going to put at least one person in the ground.

Tyler Cassidy - Ian Garry


I heard or read somewhere, that at the P.I., they give these guys a special mouthpiece that records getting hit during sparring. According to the data, he spared more rounds than anyone else, and got hit, less than anyone else.


Rogan has been saying this as well.

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Donald Trump Wow GIF by GIPHY News

I hope his CTE doesn’t turn him back into a Nazi again

I hope. His brain is already wacked out enough. He doesn’t need any extra head shots.

The boy is wilting. He’s never tasted the fire.

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It might cut his career slightly shorter, but he is the champion of the world right now. Not many people can say that they have accomplish that goal in their lifetime. Also, he rarely gets hit