Sean Woodson vs. Luis Saldana

Up next… I got Woodson

Saldana looks like a serial killer

I’ll go Woodson but don’t really care or know.


Dumbass. That’s a DQ.

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Get off the cage you just lost DUMMY!!

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This guy is a stupid fucking retard and he deserves the L

How does he not just DQ him, you can’t let it continue when the guy was knocked out cold wtf

I have a world of respect for Woodson right now but he’s stupid

How the F is that not a DQ?

Jesus this kid is SO fucking lucky not to lose that fight by DQ

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Woodson went limp during the finish

It’s not a DQ because Woodson said he could continue

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If he did an Aljo there its a dq all day long

I want Woodson to win this in a bad fucking way right now…

Dang, this guy’s really slim. Looks like Jack Skelllington.

This beaner can fight but he doesnt capitalize when he nails the nosferatu looking guy. Wtf


My blackness prohibits me from understanding what you’re talking about


Haha I am one of the few ppl that actually likes Aljo