Seeing Fedor Tap =



GNPfan - disbelief!

Same feeling I had when watching Tyson get Ko'ed by Douglas.

yeah, me too. Tyson losing was like watching Santa get hit by a bus. this wasn't quite as bad just because i'm older, but it was pretty shocking.






i cant do it in one word... satisfyingrelievingdisappointingunrealcrazyness. there my one word. Also, it was fun to watch the UG implode into a gigantic black hole.

I been watching MMA for a very long time, shit, I was a fucking kid sneaking UFC vids into the house and watching while my parents where gone.......Despite all that I REALLY thought Fedor was UNBEATABLE, but then again, I honestly thought he looked as though he was going to walk through Werdum and got caught, he hardly was getting his ass whooped.

The fight really didnt go long enough for either party to recieve a whoopin.

It felt like I was in a dream watching an episode of the twilight zone.

I could not believe what I was seeing.

The end of the world is near...

caposa -  surreal
It still has not registered.

john joe - underwhelming*

(* expected it to be more earth-shattering/shocking/world-upside-downing than it actually was)



now i know how john felt at the crucifixion

I only had two words and they were "OH SHIT!"

