Seminar at Lloyd Irvin's Academy

There is going to be a takedown seminar this Saturday from 12pm till 2pm at Lloyd Irvin's Mixed Martial Arts center in Camp Springs, Maryland. Teaching the Seminar will be Jon Trenge, Asst. Coach at Lehigh university in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and a 3x All American for Lehigh.

This seminar will cover takedowns for MMA, Nogi BJJ and self-defense.

The cost for the seminar is $50.00 and after we'll have some open training for anyone that wants to stick around. Jon is also doing private lessons. All are welcome.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Danny Ives





Hey What's up Dan? I'm living here in Maryland these days. Where are you at?

if you havent been to a Jon Trenge seminar, they are worth every penny. The only other seminar I can think of that is on the same level of detail was Marcelo Garcia! I only wish I was still in the area.


Danny Ives is one of the best BJJ coaches around and goes the extra mile to help his students. I'm guessing Danny recruited the wrestling coach and created this opportunity.

TTT for Danny Ives and Team Lloyd Irvin

Good price.

Danny, Whassup man? Wish I could make it, we've got team training at Evolve in Gaithersburg this Saturday. One of my students wrestled at Lehigh (pretty sure it was Lehigh).

ttt for Danny (the best host on the east coast!)


I'll be there.

I wish i had off tomorrow or i would come. My takedowns blow. Bob at Evolve wrestled mainly for Shippensburg

"I wish i had off tomorrow or i would come. My takedowns blow"

That could be because you just pull guard all the time. LOL. Of course, if you're competing in the Kumite in Pittsburgh, as long as you grab the head - you can get the 2 points for takedown and pull guard.

i don't pull guard all the time sometimes i try flying triangles and armbars lol

TTT for the seominar. I heard the last one was great


I still dont understand how he was 197lbs, the guy was huge!
