Serra scared to grapple Lion

Who can blame him though, the lion is the King of The Jungle.

I thought that he was afraid to grapple a lemon. A lion makes more sense.

Last Updated: Monday, 2 May, 2005, 07:46 GMT 08:46 UK

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Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight

An African Lion much like this is responsible for the death of 28 Cambodian Midgets
Spectators cheered as entire Cambodian Midget Fighting League squared off against African Lion
Tickets had been sold-out three weeks before the much anticipated fight, which took place in the city of Kâmpóng Chhnãng.

The fight was slated when an angry fan contested Yang Sihamoni, President of the CMFL, claiming that one lion could defeat his entire league of 42 fighters.

Sihamoni takes great pride in the league he helped create, as was conveyed in his recent advertising campaign for the CMFL that stated his midgets will "... take on anything; man, beast, or machine."

This campaign is believed to be what sparked the undisclosed fan to challenge the entire league to fight a lion; a challenge that Sihamoni readily accepted.

An African Lion (Panthera Leo) was shipped to centrally located Kâmpóng Chhnãng especially for the event, which took place last Saturday, April 30, 2005 in the city's coliseum.

The Cambodian Government allowed the fight to take place, under the condition that they receive a 50% commission on each ticket sold, and that no cameras would be allowed in the arena.

The fight was called in only 12 minutes, after which 28 fighters were declared dead, while the other 14 suffered severe injuries including broken bones and lost limbs, rendering them unable to fight back.

Sihamoni was quoted before the fight stating that he felt since his fighters out-numbered the lion 42 to 1, that they "... could out-wit and out-muscle [it]."

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

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Yes I too thought it was a lemon at first but then read the above message and realized it was a lion. Good thing we got this straight.

Focker03, I dont know where you got that story from, but that is fucking hilarious.

why did the ref wait so long to stop this fight? Dude needs to lose his job.

NO! NO! The Lion just sat there chewing on his Impala femur! Looking all smug like! Serra...Serra punked him! He said that if he can't run as fast as his teacher, the cheetah, than he has no right to growl in his general direction!

That's the honest to god truth!