Sharabutdin Magomedov; has there ever been a more hyped up first prelim fight of a card?

Anw just looking at him you can see he has anger issues

Plot twist,
He has Conorā€™s blood in him (ginger)
Conorā€™s father raped some caucus street urchin 25yrs ago

That guy lokks cool as fuck. I keep getting recommendations on youtube abiut videos on him.

Looking forward to it.

Too bad silva is dead as a fighter now. Ge was so tough with AP but hasnt been the same since.

Good foght to showcase the pirate, easy knockout.

They make you feel that insecure?

Doesnā€™t make me feel insecure.

I donā€™t like Dagiā€™s
I donā€™t like Muslims
I donā€™t like gingers
Edit:- I like my ginger friends tho, I keep them to a minimal tho



This is a dude that started a fight because a couple kissed in public in front of him

What a low brow idiot

I canā€™t root for any of these cave dwellers

The situation must be understood, in Makhachkala there are unwritten laws, a kind of moral code of our own. In Moscow it is common [to mean a couple who kissed before], but for us it is unacceptable. I couldnā€™t keep quiet."

Magomedov also admitted that his final stomp on the man was unnecessary.

ā€œIf it was a tourist or a foreign person then you could just ask him to stop. I just wanted to tell him that he was not behaving properly but I was unable to convey my message. He took it wrong, there is also a matter of pride ā€“ he hit me. It was unexpected, I suggested we talk about it ā€“ but he hit me. My last blow was definitely not necessary.ā€


Michael Shannon drank some secret juice!


That stomp was a HARD one too. It connected flush.

The guy at the Mall hit him first. You guys do know that right?

Why are fight fans so soft. It makes no sense

Yeah, imagine if some douchebag came up to you when you were kissing your girlfriend in public and insulted youā€¦

oh waitā€¦


Not much issue with the fight even though he started the interaction over a guy kissing his GF

But he also waited for the guy AFTER the fight to come out outside, clocked him, seemingly without warning (no reaction from other guy, which is strange) and stomped him

Couldnā€™t care less. They do things differently in Russia. Thatā€™s not my concern

Iā€™m a fight fan. If heā€™s legit I wanna see him fight

And now since the UG has another fighter they hate it just makes me want him to win that much more lol love the UG tears

sad eric cartman GIF by South Park

Cheering for Dirt bags, shitty way to go through life, son


Maybe the cro magnon motherfucker should learn how to mind his own business when out in public. Backwards ass Muslims.


Iā€™m a Jon Jones fan so I let a lot slide in the name of my entertainment lol

These two werenā€™t kissing in some backwater fuck hole in Dagestan

Time to get his ass out of the stone age, lol


Well, they were in a mallā€¦ but in Dagestan indeed ha ha.

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This guy is a total piece of shit scumbag.

Hope he loses.


So what is up with these dagestan guys and women? They love their mothers (khabib even still lives with his mom) , but they seem to despise women in general. They keep them wrapped up in clothes and stuck inside the house all day cooking and cleaning like a caged animal. They do realize the year is 2023 right?


Who cares. Weā€™re fight fans not sociologists