Sherk cleared by NSAC...

Just read on MMAWEEKLY.COM that Sherk was cleared to fight. I guess he figured out how to cycle his roids right.

Either way.... THE FIGHT IS ON!!! I can't wait... ONLY 18 more days.

If he had figured it right he would have been caught since this was a few weeks before the fight. He will also be tested at fight time. Will people still accuse him when he wins and doesn't test positive?

I still think he's a cheater... It doesn't really matter to me IF he is/was still on the juice or not. ALL I KNOW IS THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM GO AT IT.

^ Holy shit! Is that a recent picture? He looks.... different.

YEAH....ME TOO... 

 LOL. Nice try there MikeRussell.

TheOneExpert - 

 He doesn't look different at all. Infact, he looks more "ripped" in the recent pic than he does in the other one.

68 posts in one day, huh Sean Sherk's mom?

Sherk looks a lot smaller in the more recent photo. Sure he is still ripped but a lot of his mass is gone. Someone will need to post old and current weigh-in pics for comparison.