Sherk stripped of title = roids

Is Zuffa now convinced that he knowingly did roids. Sherk gets his
sentenced reduced but Zuffa then strips him of the title. Zuffa wouldn't
have stripped him if they believed he was innocent.

At least the Hilo Boy can now claim his belt now!! A true champion will
soon be crowned!!

penn vs stevenson is now for the true belt. penn is about to become the new true LW champion.

Plus BJ being BJ, will demand to fight Sherk in Cali.

Sherk vs Penn still needs to happen.

THat is a hard fight for me to pick a winner and root for a fighter. Both guys are amazing fighters and both guys are the coolest nicest guys! BOTH are true champions.

This is a win/win fight for the fans and the UFC. I can't wait to see it happen!!

I, for one, am happy that he got stripped.

You're not the only one Eddie. I think it's more than obvious at this point that he mistimed a cycle and got snagged. Also makes me think that it wasn't the first time he was on the juice either. Just the first time he got caught.

they have to strip him, per CSAC, I imagine. That's the price of adhering to the Athletic Commission's, thereby doing business with...

Thinking Zuffa wouldn't strip him if they thought he was innocent is a little too simple, don't you think? If their business senses weren't a little stronger than their senses of justice, they wouldn't be where they are today.

"Is Zuffa now convinced that he knowingly did roids. Sherk gets his sentenced reduced but Zuffa then strips him of the title. Zuffa wouldn't have stripped him if they believed he was innocent. "

Doesn't matter if they believe Sherk or not. It's been established that if California did not reverse their decision they would have to strip him of the title.

California had nothing to do with it...

LOL so California has better methods than Nevada or New Jersey?


What are you talking about? the CSAC cannot strip a title, but the UFC can since they guy is still offically suspended for taking steroids.

This was already released in Nov.

According to the Fight Network, ?UFC president Dana White revealed today he will ?probably? strip UFC lightweight champion Sean Sherk of his title if his positive steroids test is not overturned by the California State Athletic Commission when it reconvenes in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Dec. 4.?