Sherk vs. Stevenson???

What do u guys think?? They are almsot identical in size and both great fighters.

Sherk -

I'm just saying dont u think it would be a good fight?

Yea man. I'm a big Sherk fan and have long thought Joe belonged in the UFC.

That being said, I would hope for the Sherk victory.
(i'd hate seeing either lose)

Have to go with Sherk, I'd say he does Joe's stuff but just a little better.

" Have to go with Sherk, I'd say he does Joe's stuff but just a little better. "

Agreed. Sherk is more mature as a fighter than Joe and I could see Joe heading into the fight unconfident.

That'd be a sweet fight. I love both guys, and their both evenly matched. However Sherk has better hands and much more experience. I'd say Sherk, but Joe won't make it easy for him.

Joe has a great guard and bottom game, probably better then Sherks actually.

i would pick joe by sub in the 3rd round..sherk has fought alot of guys that were outclassed from the start,most don't have the BJJ that joe has and he has a great shoot as well

Sherk would run him out of gas and get a late stoppage or TKO.

Would be nice to see joe win that one!

this is a great matchup. UFC make it happen! My prediction is sherk via ref stoppage late in rd 2

It would be a very interesting match. I pick Sherk for experience and better cardio.


Great matchup!

Joe is a friend of mine, and I wouldn't want any friend of mine to fight Sherk, that kid is a monster.

the rev

They could be the top 2 in the lightweight divsion.

