Shine employees should be jailed

Everyone associated with Shine should be thrown in jail. These assholes are screwing more fighters out of a payday and subsequent paydays because of the unannounced nonsanctioning because they are greedy fucks. I'm sure this is the last stand for Shine and its criminal employees, but they need to be made an example of so other retards don't screw the fighters and the sport the same way in the future and think they can just get away with it.

Jebediah was a tea cricket.

 In before epicness.

Zuffa paid posters gone wild

nobody's forcing anyone to be involved with Shine, the fighters are willingly taking part


xcouturefan - Zuffa paid posters gone wild

nobody's forcing anyone to be involved with Shine, the fighters are willingly taking part

They tried to say that they would prevent Aurelio from fighting in Dream, if he didn't participate. That sounds awfully forced to me. I imagine thats why he ended up "injured"

Shine(tm) is the new Holzer Reich. A fascist playground for anger-trolls.

will see how it goes tomorrow

how are they screwing fighters out a payday?

tracylee - how are they screwing fighters out a payday?

They already have screwed some. David Heath is filing a lawsuit for non-payment, many others did not receive the money stipulated in their contracts.

tracylee - how are they screwing fighters out a payday?

they've turned this latest show into such an abortion that if it evens happens they won't make enough money to pay the fighters.

the reason they got thrown out of virginia was because they didn't have money for the bond (proof fighters will be paid)

now they move the event half way across the country to an indian reservation (to avoid gaming/sporting laws)

they also didn't bother to tell the fighters that because the event is now unsanctioned, just by participating on it, you are automatically suspended. that will cost almost everyone at least one fight - why do you think aurelio 'got hurt' - its because he wants to fight in dream later this month, not some lawless indian smokeshop.

this is not how mma is going to grow and succeed. i'm shocked more people aren't about what these greedy fucks are doing.

It was only a matter of time before one of these threads turned into a debate about abortion.

not to mention they haven't paid the majority of the fighters from their previous last minute canceled show. these guys are 100% clowns that shouldn't be allowed any closer to the sport than watching it on tv.

"Shine employee's should be jailed"


Yeah we should!!!!!!

ttt for Shine