Shockwave WAND vs HUNT

It was a very close fight but consideration by the judges was to be applied in reference to the huge weight disparity between the two fighters. I had Silva in a very close decision victory. Hunt had the huge strikes in the 2nd round but the rest of the fight Silva won.

I think what it really comes down to is the question of "how much does the weight difference count in a PRIDE judges decision?"

On the fight alone, I think Hunt won. Depending on how much the weight difference should be scored, it was close enough that you could argue Wanderlei should have gotten the nod. time you watch the fight... don't get bukkaked before hand.

it's much easier to see the fight without all that baby batter in you eyes

Hunt got a yellow card too and still won no?

"Was there any uproar on the UG when Wand lost that decision?"

  • Oh yeah.

Wanderlei-Hunt was almost exactly analogous to the Tito-Vitor fight, which happened on the very next UFC after the Wanderlei-Hunt event.

These two very high-profile controversial decisions happening right next to each other at the time really highlighted the differences in judging standards between the two orgs.

In each fight, the right guy won according to the rules of the particular promotion it was in.

But at the same time the guy who got the decision in one promotion should - and almost certainly would -have lost it in the other.

Wanderlei controlled most of his fight with Hunt.

But Hunt definitely inflicted more damage and came much closer to finishing Wanderlei than the other way around.

In Pride, Hunt wins. In the UFC, the winner would have been Wanderlei.

In parallel, Tito controlled most of his fight with Vitor.

But Vitor definitely inflicted more damage and came much closer to finishing Tito than the other way around.

In the UFC, Tito wins. In Pride, Vitor would have won.

So different standards can yield different results from the same scenarios.

(Btw, WTF did happen to the 10-kilo rule in Pride?

It's like they just stopped using it after a while - even though it had definitely changed the results of fights before - e.g., Vitor-Herring.)

Man ... "Silva got pwnd, what fight were you watching?"

I can agree with that one. Silva was really beat up in this one. You can say it was close and it really was, but Hunt put a beatdown on Silva in this one.

thanks ARE the best poster on this godforsaken site

I pretty much agree with Whistleblower but what about the yellow card?

Piss off 'im a real boy'.

If the 10kg weight disparity rule was in effect Wand would have won hands down - even without it, I think the fight should have been called a draw or win for Wand anyway, though.

if u didnt see that. then your fuct for tryin to fuck w/me.'Thank god your here with your laser eye sight while the rest of us try to watch a fight your watching imaginary objects fly in the ring where would we be without your insight.' u obviously have ADD.

"Wand had something in his glove. after the buttplomp, he gets on top and kinda eyegouges and a silver ring drops out of his hand. weird looking incident, dunno what it was, but something rolls out of his hand, and the ref picks it up."

Never heard this before. Could it have been a wedding ring?

Wand was proposing to Hunt? How romantical!!

I think everyone fell in love with Mark Hunt a little after the atomic butt drop so I can understand if Wand was a little twitterpated.

Close fight, but Silva won.