Shogun Rua - half guard sweep?

I remember Shogun used to do a particular half guard sweep in MMA that he was usually successful with. I tried to find videos online but was unable to. Anyone remember what it was called or how to do it?

@ 8.04 and 9.08 he tries the same movement. Is that it? Rogan called it a helicopter sweep.

idk about helicopter sweep… I’m not the best at names of things,
I can understand why joe might mention that as there’s some similarites in that shogun might’ve been looking to come to the top via backwards shoulder roll after getting his body somewhat perpendicular to machida but I think it was more of a standard deep 1/2 threat where you can rock back and forth and come to the top either way… along with having a leg lock threat… It does look like shogun likes to get his body a little more perpendicular in order to backwards shoulder roll to the top than a typical deep half sweep.

You see a couple of occasions of that in the first shogun/hendo fight at 2:40 of rnd3 and again at 3:33 or rnd 4

I’ve always thought of the helicopter as the precursor to the berimbolo where you start in dlr and granby roll to the outside coming up into top 1/2 as opposed to the shaolin sweep which is closer to what we’re seeing here with hendo. Although with the shaolin sweep you are pulling your opponent over you before doing a backwards shoulder roll starting from more a z-guard.

Did he use this/pull this off as a proper sweep or did he just use it more so to get up?

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btw - this is what I was hoping rob font would try in the sandhagen fight.

I think there was a lot of forward hip prressure preventing him from putting feet on the hips and pushing away to standing, but with that foward pressure I was hoping he could dive under into more of a deep half… or possibly transition through xguard to some leg attacks and standup or something. I saw that rob was reaching for the free leg a lot and the cross face was countering that, but the way you see shogun roll back, you can elevate and move your opponents half guard leg and really get under there… we’ve seen dern, nicholini and JDS do this as well.

I think it is a common fallacy to say half/deep half won’t/ don’t work in mma. If for right, i think it can work fantastically with strikes involved.

Big Nog, Werdum, Big Foot, Maia have all used deep half in a similar manner.

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