Shootboxing - Bruce, nathan + Jens

Yokohama Culture Gymnasium (Kanagawa, Japan)
September 19th 2004
open: 3:00PM
start: 4:00PM


1st Match
Tsuyoshi ishikawa (Ceser Gym) vs TBA

2nd match
Akifumi Utagawa (UWF Snakebit Japan) vs Wanrop Weelasakreck (Weelasakreck Muay thai Gym)

3rd match S-cup Tournament Ist round
Andy Souwer (Ling-Ho Gym/Holland) vs Ole Laursen (KRS Gym team Ole/Denmark)

4th match S-cup Tournament Ist round
Jens Pulver (Team Extreme/USA) vs Daj Jyouan (Chaina Bujutsu Asosiation)

5th match S-cup Tournament Ist round
Albert Kraus (Super Pro Gym/Holland) vs Changpuek Chorsepasert (ISS Gym/Thailand)

6th match S-cup Tournament Ist round
Kenichi Ogata (Ceser Gym) vs Katel Kubis (CWB sports/Brasil)

7th Match S-cup Tournament reserve Match
Hiroki Shishido (Ceser Gym) vs Bruce Macfie (Five.Rings.Dojo/Australia)

8th match S-cup Tournament Semi Final-1

9th match S-cup Tournament Semi Final-2

10th match Special one match
Nathan Corbett (Five.Rings.Dojo/Australia) vs Nilson de Castro (Chute Boxe Academy/Brasil)

11th match Special one match
Hiroyuki Doi (Ceser Gym) vs Fikri Tijarti (Mousid Gym/Holland)

How bloody excellent a show will this be? I'm REALLY hoping that someone finds it in their heart to scour the net for a copy of the telecast (hopefully there is one) and makes it available to poor little plebs like me... ;-)

This really does look like a great show. Best of luck to all the fighters, but especially Bruce and Nathan. Bruce is actually in a really good position to win the whole thing, being an alternate, but there are some HUGE names in there!!

And I would rally like it if the TBA was changed to JWP... ;-)

Would LOVE to see Bruce v jens. Would be great to see a MMA guy that has respected stand up go against a stud fighter like Bruce. Then again we saw that v BANG :(

On a side note whats the weight cut?? Roy, anyone?? Jens is a runt fights at 145lb.


Is that a bat signal I see flashing in the sky ?

Keep hoping cadmus, you never know what might happen...


I knew the Tank would be watching the skies... ;-)

I'm keen to see the Nathan in action. One of the BJJ guys saw him doing some bag work on Tuesday night and made the comment to me that he kicks REALLY hard.

Given that Pulver is on the card, and he's very popular I would say the outlook is good.


Bruce MacFie is definitly a lot bigger than Jens. its a hell of a tournement line up though. Love to see it.

Good luck the Nathan and Bruce.
What weight are they both fighting at?

preacher fight should be around around 70 kgs ???
but the last time i saw Hiroki fight was around 66 kgs so there mite be a catch weight ?
as for nathan his fight should be 85 kgs as he wants to move up in weight a bit

yep was right about Shishido he has been fighting at 66.6 kgs in the past so there mite be a catch weight as preacher now fights at 70 kgs
but here is a pic of F16 vs shishido
shishido won the fight on points cut F16 a few titmes that night
so if its any thing to go by bruce & shishido fight should end up been a bloodly good elbow fight

Scotty, its a tourney mate would be a blanket weight for the thing. I know Bruce has also fought at about 67kg not that long ago.

Roy can you help us here?

Also re Nathan I believe 82kg is the weight for LHW in Muay Thai with WMC, anyone?? Unsure re shootboxings class?


the s-cup is at 70kg. bruce's fight is the reserve match for the s-cup. so if someone gets injured either him or shishido will be in.

Nathan has been going really well, but recently he has had no-one his size or bigger to spar with, was holding pads for him this week just for hands and elbows, i predict elbow KO early on. I really think his elbows are the best on the planet.

Watch out for ole laursen too, Ray got him in there and he is a under Rising Promotions management. Look for ole to come to our mega show in december.

Nathan is fighting at 85kg. He keeps filling out as he gets older

i was told that bruce was fighting Hiroki on the show as a extra fight
as for bruce fighting a 67 kgs i havent seen him fight that light in over a year
he has made it up to 70-72 kgs & dosent want to come down in weight
im sure bruce has said he want to fight in the k-1 thats why he moved up in the weight

carnage WMC world title is at 82 kgs
but he is fighting for a shootboxing world title at 85kgs

Hi guys, its a shame but Carnage's fight was not for a world title. the guy they got for him, de castro, has just been fighting for pancrase so they didnt want him to go straight for a Shootboxing Title.

It a shame, but a great win nonetheless. Carnage will be fighting in Ihara's big show in oct. Then on the DEC18th show here on the coast.

Shame ole didnt get a chance to wind up. Souwer got to him quick and put out his fire.

Bruce did well, but was outpointed by the fast shishido.