should i go on the stevia??

got this fight coming up vs a fellow from alaska in the on march 20th in edmonton so im up trolling the net a bit and run across this guy Dan quinn "quite possibly the next biggest thing since kimbo slice".. first the dude seemed crazy but after some more indepth study im not quite sure what to think..??

his interviews are top notch and his videos are entertainment at its best

whats the word
do i go on the Stevia for 1 month as a trully unbiased test??

some back ground video on the man and stevia€


stevie is the cure for the human body!!

 You can eat a 3/4 of a rotisserie chicken---the big one....and two pounds of cheddar cheese every day on Stevia.

For real playa.

Stevia also brought a dead 16 year old cat to life. Follow Peachy the cat's lead stud and get a pound of Stevia in your body...

Did I mention that Quinn is a chronic pot smoker with no scientific background and shows a lot of characteristics that are prevalent in paranoid schizophrenia??

I say please try it for one month Claude, and document the results here. I for one would love to hear about it.

Mike Russell -  ...Did I mention that Quinn is a chronic pot smoker with no scientific background and shows a lot of characteristics that are prevalent in paranoid schizophrenia??...

 But it can give you the ability to eat 2lbs of cheese per day!!!  Without fear of constipation!!!!

There is only one Quinn and he aint a pothead! Playa!

Listen stud, you dont wanna cross me after i just finished snorting a pound of stevia, playa.

sean quinn is not considered a quinn by the quinn family.
The quinns have a minimum height requirement of 5'7.
Big frig Rig

 Shut Up, dont you have some slums to Lord over?

I looked up Stevia on the Internet and its basically a sweetner.

What effects is supposed to have on training etc... ?

None wiley.  Anything you hear otherwise is bullshit.  Its also not approved for use as a food additive by the FDA or the EU.

reverse the curse

I just couldn't bring myself to subscribe to a product endorsed so strongly by that Dan Quinn guy ;0 Yikes

Seriously, any interview with Dan Quinn will let you know exactly what he is all about.

He makes Gary Busey look sane.


I heard about Dan Quinn and his rants, but I never watched them. Till now.

That's not Stevia that guys' got. It's METH.

Wow. Like, Wow.

Stevia is just an alternative sweetner without the evils of sugar. If you're just taking it because of it's own specific properties, I doubt you will see much difference at all (if any).

However - if you replace a great deal of your refined sugar intake with Stevia you will see the benefits of just eating less sugar.

However, if you're not eating a lot of sugar to begin with Stevia will make little difference and probably isn't worth the effort/expense.


I heard once that if you're able to capture the elusive Robin Black by his tail and hit him really hard with a wooden stick (the stick must be oak) he turns into 40 gold coins and a 1lb bag of stevia.

True story.

 When did Robin dye his mullet Orange?

now dan quinn os for sure out there on some points and for whatever reason cant get over than damn football play he did back in the day im still not willing to discount the guy 100 percent yet.. with my fight so close im not willing to try it only to hit the ring and full body cramp or somehing but depending on how that goes and the time between my next one i will indeed be going on THE STEVIA.. im no follower so this guys will be the definitive test.. and if you doubt me just ask peachy the cat:)

robert bentley - 

I heard once that if you're able to capture the elusive Robin Black by his tail and hit him really hard with a wooden stick (the stick must be oak) he turns into 40 gold coins and a 1lb bag of stevia.

True story.

true, but he has only a long front tail and i don't think you want to touch it