Shoulder questio...Havent seen it

Ok I have had this problem for about a month or so...My xrays show no problem..
I have had excruciating pain in my shoulder, mostly at night I havent slept a fullnight in god knows how long. I wake upalmost every hour and stans up hang my arm srtaight for a minute or two...The pain subsides.
I go back to sleep and the same happens.

Over the last 2 days the pain has been at night and carried over to the day. I havent rolled at all. The funny thing is I had back pain then hip, then KNEE lock ups which I havent had in a year or so...All on the right side.

Please f'ing help..

Ok I have had this problem for about a month or so...My xrays show no problem..
I have had excruciating pain in my shoulder, mostly at night I havent slept a fullnight in god knows how long. I wake upalmost every hour and stans up hang my arm srtaight for a minute or two...The pain subsides.
I go back to sleep and the same happens.

Over the last 2 days the pain has been at night and carried over to the day. I havent rolled at all. The funny thing is I had back pain then hip, then KNEE lock ups which I havent had in a year or so...All on the right side.

Please f'ing help..

also a little strain in upper bicep area...did you have that...Would a rotator prob just "pop" out of nowhere though??

I woke up one morning with bad shoulder pain that lasted for 6 months. The root cause was not found and it took ages to go away. Think it was rotator cuff related, but not sure.

I dont know the doc doesnt now, I dont have insuranceright no so no ortho right now...But really I am ready to say screw it and go this is the only body I have.

Its funny if you do martial arts, especially bjj, or kick boxing...You think your invincable...You hear of all the pros geting injuries and recouping in no time...shit it's like you can order a new set of knees you know? I just hit 30 and I'm falling apart...Arent marial arts supposed to be good for you??LOL!

Have you tried having someone massage the muscles in your shoulder REALLY hard? Especially the smaller muscles around your scapula?

No not as of yet..I need to do something.Getting no sleep is getting to me a bit. No matter how bad I want to pass out I cant for long. The anti inflamatorys (sp)
arent working and neither have vic's. I know go see a doctor probably...they really had no real answers

Definitely sounds like Bursitis in your rotator cuff.

X rays won't show anything...I don't even know why docs use them. You definitely have a strength imbalance...did you have scoliosis or anything?

As for meds, vics are dangerous because they're fun and don't work most of the time so you need more. Percocets knock you on your ass regardless and aren't quite as fun. (though I suppose you can make them way) Soma is probably the best thing to take...celebrex is the only AI worth anything and it's damn expensive. See if you can get some samples. From my experience (and trust me, I have plenty) you've either got a pinched nerve (permanently, or just sometimes) or a nasty strength imbalance in your upper back or shoulders. Take some time off and see if it gets better. Go to for somas if you don't have insurance. (god I hate doctors who think everything is fixed by tylenol and anti-inflammatories)

Never had scoliosis,but I was working for the dpw like 10yrs ago and had a rotator prob from throwing barrels all day...Not a bad one though...

I didnt do anything physical to get this pain I think I slept wrong, and my girls bed is so soft and doesnt offer much support.Ill look into that soma and do some physical therapy, as my dad had a rotator prob and had surgery,. So I know he has some info.

Thanks for your info linkage.