UFC should sign Askren and have him fight Rory.
He has a contract with OneFc currently does he not, I assume they have some control currently no?
Askren belongs in the UFC although I'm not sure how long his contract is in ONE FC.
Signed anyway!!!!!
I like it; however I unfortunately don't find it very likely. I think the UFC would be very surprised as to how marketable he would be due to his polarizing personality. Even the haters know they would watch in hopes that he gets his clock cleaned.
Fuck to tha yes
Why the fuck not?!
Askren will be champ
His path wont be through Rory.
Askren GOAT status inevitable.
I'm down.
I'd prefer them to not immediately throw Ben the #2 ranked WW, but any way to get him into where he belongs.
Isn't "buying out" someone's contract a thing... or am I making this up?
Yes! Zuffc can make it worth OneFC's while. They've bought talent from them before.
But it would have behooved Zuffc financially to buy stock in Askren b4 he signed w/ One. They could use him more than ever with the PED scandal as you know he's au natural. Even look at his pictures au natural.
Askren could facilitate by putting the offer on the table to fight Rory for free and have all his would be first purse go to One.
I'd be so happy
Would love to see that fight!
It's just a damn travesty that the UFC didn't sign him. Downright stupid. That whole situation was kind of weird. Bellator didn't want him, UFC didn't sign him because he wasn't ready for the big leagues yet(bullshit). Kid is an animal, getting better, and his fights lately have been fun to watch.
And I totally agree that he is marketable because of his polarizing personality. People would tune in to watch him win or get whooped.
He needs to get signed. Quickly
Askren throttles Rory 10 out of ten times
Rory would win.
Meh,that hair
They need to just fucking sign the guy so he can finally prove himself.
Ben Askren in the best fighter outside of the UFC. Period.