Silva speaking Engilish in Rio...

But speaks portuguese in U.S. Burger King and Nike must have some pull. Phone Post

I was just telling somebody about him not speaking English in the post-fights, then boom... In BRAZIL he speaks English! Go figure?

The best part is when they had that chick translate what he said in english, into portuguese. It was bizzaro world.

anderson is an interesting character/

 yeah that's really odd


He is the GREATEST mindfucker ... of all times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drewout - I was just telling somebody about him not speaking English in the post-fights, then boom... In BRAZIL he speaks English! Go figure?


Silva knows and understands English. This is an established fact.

An interviewer was asking him questions in English on the UFC 112 DVD in the backstage interview. He understood them just fine.

It was a message to Chael -

it was because ed soares got checked and pushed out for the UFC translator...

Stu Cazzo - It was a message to Chael -

 Yes, the message was "you were right about me all along. I'm a transcendant fighter, but a phony person"

his English is good... hes just lazy as fuck about it for some reason

kingsama - it was because ed soares got checked and pushed out for the UFC translator...

Agree Phone Post

Slowshot - 
Stu Cazzo - It was a message to Chael -

i'm a jealous bitch, and my english is a product of the American public school system so Anderson's English is like Shakespearan poetry to me.



He wanted piss off the guy who snatched his hat. Phone Post

K-Dub-"T" - 
Slowshot - 
Stu Cazzo - It was a message to Chael -

i'm a jealous bitch, and my english is a product of the American public school system so Anderson's English is like Shakespearan poetry to me.

I'm a one note horn, who's entire schtick is to search through any thread that might possibly be related to a guy FAR more accomplished than Iam, in an effort to put him down.  Additionally, I make posts clowning somebody's English, despite writing like a sixth grader.
fxd. :)

K-Dub-"T" -  lol.

He is the GREATEST mindfucker ... of all times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lmao! This is true. To top all this next fight he will pull his mask off to reveal he is really GSP! Phone Post

I know many brazilians who understand English just fine, and can speak it. In front of people they almost refuse to speak cause they are so worried it sounds horrible. Just not comfortable doing in front of people. Does that make them phony? What if Anderson has the same issue and he is finally becoming more comfortable or just not giving a shit anymore?

There is always something with you people "phony" "fake" "lazy". Phone Post