what is the ufc music that says "ive got to end this suffering i need a minute to myself" its at the begining of all the dvds and i wanna sing!!!!

is that the one im talking about?

yeah i know but what is it im gonna go look if i can see!



Its "Inside" by stemm but dont worry i have looked everywhere and there is nowhere that u can get it i think it is a song made specially for zuffa i dont think they even have it on their cd....

actually i think it is "break the pain" or something like that by Stemm either way its stemm and i cant find it so i think it is just a song for the UFC

cheers fellas nevermind eh just have to keep singing it in my head.... dum dum dum ... i got to end this suffering... dum ...dum ....ineed a minute to myself!! EVERYBODY!!!