Smell test: Yay or Nay?

Looks a bit smelly, needs a wash. 

MMA Playwright - 

Why do they shave their eyebrows?

Dude is jacked.

Should be natural right peds are expensive

And don’t monks pretty much live off donations?


Could be natty. These guys have all the right ingredients, biggest of which is regimen and dedication over a lifetime.

He’s on the sauce. No doubt 

He passes.

He looks quite lean which would explain the definition. It's not like he has hugely bulging muscles though. 

He just looks like a very fit, lean guy. This sort of physique is achievable by working out and eating right. Two things very few people on here would know much about...

Is that Buakaw in the first pic?

209'd@170 -

He passes.

He looks quite lean which would explain the definition. It's not like he has hugely bulging muscles though. 

He just looks like a very fit, lean guy. This sort of physique is achievable by working out and eating right. Two things very few people on here would know much about...

Can you teach me?

eating right is tough as a monk

SamOnDrums -
209'd@170 -

He passes.

He looks quite lean which would explain the definition. It's not like he has hugely bulging muscles though. 

He just looks like a very fit, lean guy. This sort of physique is achievable by working out and eating right. Two things very few people on here would know much about...

Can you teach me?

Yes, I could teach you, but it's unlikely you'd stick to a plan

Aussie Shaun -

when did holyfield join a monestry?

After child number 17

Arent monks vegan?

Impossible without peds.

-the ug 

209'd@170 -

He passes.

He looks quite lean which would explain the definition. It's not like he has hugely bulging muscles though. 

He just looks like a very fit, lean guy. This sort of physique is achievable by working out and eating right. Two things very few people on here would know much about...


43percentburnt -

Is that Buakaw in the first pic?

Yeah it's him.

lol, just because hes in robes doesnt make him a fucking monk 

Hes probably an ex con and he is trying to either change his life, or look like hes changing his life 

As far as natty goes, jesus christ, on a vegan diet? Plus hes asian? You guys are serious idiots 

LMAO @ people not recognizing Buakaw. Fucking newbs

Smells great