SN Bet for Pettis/El Nino?

30 days and all that jazz.


open to blues/greens or muds with +1000 posts. 


I got Gil, you get Pettis. 

"and neeeewwwwwwww"

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

Let's do it mate. I'll even give you an extra win chance if Shelftime happens to hurt himself in the last 1 and a half weeks and pulls out

If someone else wants to take Gilbert I have Pettis.

Save from having multiple unnecessary threads.

Lick Boners - Let's do it mate. I'll even give you an extra win chance if Shelftime happens to hurt himself in the last 1 and a half weeks and pulls out
Haha you're on! Phone Post 3.0

TEN10TEN - If someone else wants to take Gilbert I have Pettis.

Save from having multiple unnecessary threads.
Ttt Phone Post 3.0


Ttt Phone Post 3.0

Ill take a SN bet. Im War Pettis Phone Post 3.0

I've got Pettis all day in this one! Phone Post 3.0


Ttt Phone Post 3.0

Don't Listen to Rush - Ttt Phone Post 3.0

I'm rooting for Gil, but I don't wanna see Lick Boners get his SN's too perfect!

Any takers?

God dammit lick boners. Do your worst Phone Post 3.0

I can't think of anything witty, just put I Also Lick Boners so we can get this over with

beatmeov - 
Lick Boners - I can't think of anything witty, just put I Also Lick Boners so we can get this over with

If you need suggestions how about " Pettis pushes my poo ". Sure there are plenty of other suggestions the ug can provide.

Thanks for the inspiration. How about Pettis Pushed Gilbert's Crap Pack

Pettis Peter Puller?

Pettis Pushed Gilbert's Crap Pack

That shall be your new name OP, post confirmation whenever you get it done

Just sent it in! Sorry for the delay Phone Post 3.0