SN bet, I’ve got Jones.

Anyone want to pick Gus? 

30 days? Or whatever?

NotForgetGayJesus -


last time I ended up with this name.  So what the hell.  Why not?

Will admit, is a solid name. 30 days yeah?

I’m thinking BonedByPicograms. Always open to other suggestions for each outcome leading up to this fight. Let’s hear some other options!

Fold me like one of your lawn chairs -

I’m thinking BonedByPicograms. Always open to other suggestions for each outcome leading up to this fight. Let’s hear some other options!


NotForgetGayJesus -
Fold me like one of your lawn chairs -

I’m thinking BonedByPicograms. Always open to other suggestions for each outcome leading up to this fight. Let’s hear some other options!


30 days.


Lol at Jones popping for peds and thinking you should get even odds. 

bakobell -

Lol at Jones popping for peds and thinking you should get even odds. 

I didnt even think about that. This is just in good fun though man. Either way there is an * at the end of that no?

Fold me like one of your lawn chairs -
bakobell -

Lol at Jones popping for peds and thinking you should get even odds. 

I didnt even think about that. This is just in good fun though man. Either way there is an * at the end of that no?

Jones will win but just for laughs you should put an * at the end of whatever name gets chosen 

209'd@170 -
Fold me like one of your lawn chairs -
bakobell -

Lol at Jones popping for peds and thinking you should get even odds. 

I didnt even think about that. This is just in good fun though man. Either way there is an * at the end of that no?

Jones will win but just for laughs you should put an * at the end of whatever name gets chosen 

Lmao, solid idea my friend. 


209'd@170 -


Haha I like it!


NotForgetGayJesus -

I’m excited to rename OP for sho.

Good luck my dude!

I hate Jones

I'll never bet against him

jimmy23 -

I hate Jones

I'll never bet against him

Yep. Dudes a scumbag outside of the ring, but inside, he’s incredible. 

Here we go, good luck my dude.

Give me until morning, I want to hear other suggestions and am pretty drunk at the moment lol.

Jones' Roid Enhanced Bone Pounded out Gus*


Thats my pick. Ty for playing man!

Make sure that * is on the end of it