So I knew Diego was crazy, but

His latest interview was some next level shit…talking about how he’s afraid the UFC is going to have him killed in a couple years and make it look like a suicide? Then complains about how Dana refused to meet with him…yeah, no shit dummy.

You’re walking around saying crazy shit and recording every conversation with UFC employees, talking about how you want to expose the deep, dark secrets of this “evil billion dollar company.” Recording conversations with the UFC lawyers that are completely normal, talking about how “none of this is normal.”

As soon as that motherfucker went off the deep end, you have to cut him and get TF away from him. Why TF would he think Dana would want to meet him and his dipshit manager?


I’ve always thought he was more dumb than crazy.


Hes going full dan quinn


He has always been crazy in the head. It has gotten worse over time. That happens with a lot of people actually.

Yeah, but he’s coming across like someone we should worry about. He’s not just a bit crazy anymore. He’s saying he’s legit scared for his life, talking about the UFC having him killed and faking like it was an accident or a suicide…and acting like the UFC is some vast criminal agency that he’s about to expose…it’s some weird ass conspiracy shit he’s talking about.

One part of the interview he’s talking about how there’s some computer guys setting it up so positive comments about Diego and Joshua get deleted from the internet, and only the negative shit stays up…as if the UFC is putting any kind of energy into worrying about what he says/does.

Yeah sounds like real mental illness. It can get worse as you get older. Sad.

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This. He was never super stable to begin with, but tack on the years mixed with repeated head trauma and it’s a recipe for delusions like this. Not blaming it on MMA but some of the wars he’s been in could certainly be a factor.

Diego “Silkwood” Sanchez

You’re telling me this guy’s crazy…? UNTHINKABLE!



Hes always been susceptible to manipulation because he’s the kind of guy that is all in. Whatever gym he’s with he is super loyal. When he was a christian he was the christianist christian he could be. When he was into stevia, he was really into stevia. And pot. And hallucinagins.

Hes always been looking for something to believe in and be a part of and something always doesn’t work out and he’s in rebuilding mode.
It’s like he doesn’t really have anyone that’s actually close to him. At least from his perspective.

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That’s a good point. He’s either all in, or all out ALL THE TIME. As far as being super loyal to his gym…yeah, right up until he leaves. He was talking all kinds of shit about Cowboy for leaving, acting like an idiot and ripping photos of cowboy off the wall at local bars/restaurants and other weird shit…then does the same thing and leaves the gym a year later.

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Crazy + CTE = DIEGO

For the second time.

I honestly don’t think he ever emotionally recovered from the feeling of betrayal by Jackson/Wink when they opened the door for GSP. That had to be massive for him. He was a huge part of bringing attention to that gym and supremely loyal to what he thought was a family. That place made him but he also made that place financially successful in the early days. He felt safe and loved there. He was the contender and on a rocketship of success. And they let the guy with the belt he was trying to take in through the front door.

It always seemed to me that he has been chasing and trying to create that same “family” ever since.
He wants it so bad he’s swallowed ridiculous shit.
Hell, Jackson somehow talked him into coming back and made him believe that he was in the wrong for leaving in the first place.


He honestly sounds like a tweaker with half a cock stuck up his asshole at any given moment.

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would i be the first to call his trainer “josh Labia”?

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Either he’s crazy or the UFC is actually creating a world wide network of martial arts assassins.
I’m hoping it’s the second one.

Whatever Diego and Flavia Flav have going on it’s not going to end well for Diego…wish him the best tho he’s a legend and a warrior…