So who's going to Abu Dhabi for UFC 112?

IrishRottie - I might go. And lol at anyone thinking it is not a safe place for westerners.

My passport is stamped from "Israel". Would I be safe?

You will be as welcome there as anywhere.

Koga - You will be as welcome there as anywhere.

Not comforted :)

My brother is there and will be attending the event.

The top 3 fights on this card are sick but what are the other 2 on the PPV going to be?

HardHittingHeeb - 
Koga - You will be as welcome there as anywhere.

Not comforted :)


humphrey sphinctermuscle - it's their humps that do it for me.

 Lovely lady lumps=)


LG4life - Not too crazy I think. I heard it's illegal to be intoxicated in the public, so it's not really a good idea to get wasted outside the hotel you're staying at.

public intoxication is probably illegal wherever you live, too

it is the world's richest country....

yup, capitalism at it's finest

hubris - yup, capitalism at it's finest

what is? abu dhabi? There isnt too much capitalist about that country. The government owns damn near everything.