SOCHI olympics terror possibilities

honestly i'm kinda hoping there's some kinda crazy battle where the good guys win but scares the shit outta everybody.


am i alone?


can't post this on the og. why? because the white knights will think i am hoping for death.  and although they're right, they are mistaken on who i want dead. them.


thank you

No one sees a problem until buildings fall down....then it doesn't seem like such a peaceful religion. Terror has worked! People are scared to call the animals what they are but instead of saying they are scared they hide behind politcal correctness. Pussy faggots!

We need a big reset in a bad way. Phone Post 3.0

i just want to see the rata tat tat/night vision camera bagdad tracer kabooming on the news again.


and maybe a few media folks getting their heads sawed off.


and the good guys win.

Security seems to be sketchy in Sochi so I'd say odds are pretty good something goes down. Phone Post 3.0

right on!

JIMMYNAKS - We need a big reset in a bad way. Phone Post 3.0

Well any successful terror attack would cause a minor reset, because Putin and the Russian KNOW how to deal with those guys. They're not hampered by limp wristed political correctness, or even what Western Europe has to say for that matter. They couldn't give a flying fuck. They just go smash stuff and kill a lot of people. Hiding in a mosque? BOOM! Dasvidaniya mosque! Hiding among women and children? BOOM! A hundred for the price of ten! Spasibo!

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned Wednesday that terrorists may try to smuggle explosives on Russia-bound planes using toothpaste tubes.

The threat was passed on to airlines that have direct flights to Russia, including some that originate in the United States, according to a law enforcement official speaking Wednesday on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss details of the warning, which came hours before competition began at the Winter Olympics in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, Russia. 

The official said the airlines were warned that explosive devices could be assembled in flight or upon arrival at the Olympics.

The department said in a statement that the U.S. "isn't aware of a specific threat to the homeland at this time." It said the department "regularly shares information with domestic and international partners, including those associated with international events such as the Sochi Olympics."

Delta Airlines is the only U.S. carrier with a direct flight from the United States to Moscow. Russian airlines Aeroflot and Transaero both operate several nonstop flights from the U.S.

United Airlines, the official airline of the U.S. Olympic team, does not have scheduled service to Russia but is operating some charter flights to Sochi.

Earlier Wednesday, Russia investigators said security forces killed a militant who may have helped train the two suicide bombers who struck the southern city of Volgograd.

The bombings of a train station and an electric trolleybus in late December killed 34 people and heightened security fears of the Olympics.

Competition began 32 hours before Friday's opening ceremony due to the addition of 12 new medal events for men and women. Men's slopestyle snowboarding was the first event to get underway, and was scheduled to be followed by women's slopestyle, women's moguls, and team figure skating.

So far it looks like the only acts of terror are from the construction companies. One woman was displaced because her house fell after construction. Thousands of others were forced into camps a few miles outside the city with no running water and outhouses. It is reported that it cost over 50 billion to host the olymipics and about one third has gone to kickbacks, bribes and other corruption.
There are reporters checking in to rooms that aren't finished and the water is undrinkable. I've also read athletes are complaining that ramps are too steep and one caused injury to a Norwegian snowboarder who was supposed to be a medal contender.
Gotta love the corruption in the US...oops, i mean Russia. Though i think our rail problem will go much the same way...

lol i want to see putin in action!

Moke -
JIMMYNAKS - We need a big reset in a bad way. Phone Post 3.0

Well any successful terror attack would cause a minor reset, because Putin and the Russian KNOW how to deal with those guys. They're not hampered by limp wristed political correctness, or even what Western Europe has to say for that matter. They couldn't give a flying fuck. They just go smash stuff and kill a lot of people. Hiding in a mosque? BOOM! Dasvidaniya mosque! Hiding among women and children? BOOM! A hundred for the price of ten! Spasibo!
As it should be Phone Post 3.0