sokoudjou strike hard......

but he is not a striker....

he should not forget his roots and use his strike to try to take the fight to the ground....and to believe that you are a striker while fighting against a professional just dumb.

I don't get it...why train 20 years in Judo and not use any of it at all?

maybe because Judo is not usable in a MMA fight......contrary to wrestling?

even world class judoka have to learn wrestling if they want to perform in a MMA platform

jujubre - maybe because Judo is not usable in a MMA fight......contrary to wrestling?

even world class judoka have to learn wrestling if they want to perform in a MMA platform
Its not that Judo isn't usable in MMA, but it is rather HARD to use execute the moves because you have to perfectly time the throw or sweep, you also don't have the gi to grip. unlike wrestling where even if it isnt perfect, you can still get the takedown.

but I do have to agree..that wrestling is better then Judo in terms of MMA.


I can't answer for Soku, but his usage of JUDO in MMA is VERY effective. I'm not sure why he does not use it more. But if he did, it would make alot more people respect Judo in MMA.

 One would think he would at least clinch with a guy who - on paper at least - he should easily overpower in that position.

RichDalton - I can't answer for Soku, but his usage of JUDO in MMA is VERY effective. I'm not sure why he does not use it more. But if he did, it would make alot more people respect Judo in MMA.

that's my point.....I don't get his strategy

I understand him striking with Arona or Nogeira...but if after one round you get dominated standing..why not try to take it to the ground??!!!! he did not even try to clinch!

for the info, I wanted him to win....

I think he needs a change of camps, Quest doesn't seem to be helping him improve much

As a former judoka, I hate to say: Maybe he remembered his fight with Machida. Man, that looked like he had never fought on the ground in his life. Maybe he just isn't that good. Athletic, yes.

well, you cant have it both ways..right now, SOko is a very aggressive, fast, powerful striker...he is fun to watch and i would pay to watch him as opposed to guys like jardine, vera, Bisping, leben...he always comes out with the intention to kill...the problem is, when he cant put his oppt away, he gets tired, if SOko played it passively like cane, everyone would be bitching about a boring fight..

no way did cane win the striking in the first round..Cane played it safe and barely landed anything...

"Sok is a fuckin' GREAT striker...before he gasses."

No he's not really. He's very powerful and hits hard and throws all of his weight into his shots, but he's very off balance and not very technical. I like watching him fight, but I'd like to see him either use more judo or polish his stand up more...

YourFathersUncle, where do all these "FACTS" come from? All IGNORANT crap. You have no clue what the hell your talking about and should keep your opinions, that your stating as facts, to yourself.

Examples........Me and My teammates and training partners. I used to train with Terri for a few years.

Sokoudjou wanted to be exciting, so he lost.

Bry Bry - well, you cant have it both ways..right now, SOko is a very aggressive, fast, powerful striker...he is fun to watch and i would pay to watch him as opposed to guys like jardine, vera, Bisping, leben...he always comes out with the intention to kill...the problem is, when he cant put his oppt away, he gets tired, if SOko played it passively like cane, everyone would be bitching about a boring fight..

no way did cane win the striking in the first round..Cane played it safe and barely landed anything...

It seems you can make an excuse for anyone if you want to. Sok WAS passive in the 2nd and 3rd rounds, he even looked scared. And lets not forget he got KTFO'd. He is NOT a good striker, he just hits hard.

LOL Brutal Ownage

"YourFathersUncle, where do all these "FACTS" come from? All IGNORANT crap. You have no clue what the hell your talking about and should keep your opinions, that your stating as facts, to yourself.

Examples........Me and My teammates and training partners. I used to train with Terri for a few years. "

Subutai - I think he needs a change of camps, Quest doesn't seem to be helping him improve much

No camp is going to help if the coach screams "TAKE HIM DOWN" and he refuses to.


It looks like he breaks mentally if he doesn't get a quick finish.

WOW your an idiot and it is really pointless to talk about it.

You were NOT talking about his fighting

"He's not much of a ground guy. I don't know why you would assume that he has a ground game because he did Judo

His Judo isn't even that good. He's not accomplished, and is more so an eager participant."

And as far as what I was talking about. Is that he IMPLEMENTS his JUDO very well, with his striking and MMA in general, during training. Just because he does not implement in during fights, does not mean he can NOT or does NOT have the ability.

 I would say his style of judo (more standup) wouldn't and hasn't converted well to MMA.

And one last thing, you might want to check your reading comprehension. No where in there do I say ANYTHING about how good I did or didn't do with him. That was NOT my point. By training with him and watching him train with others, I am FULLY capable of telling whether or not he has a good ground game and good judo. Which he does.

The fact that he CHOOSES to not implement it into his fights, has nothing to do with me.

Pulsar, it WOULD convert well, if he used it more and forced it. He has average to a little above average technique, but as I am sure you have seen, he is VERY powerful.

Honestly, I feel he is implementing his stand up more, because that what is popular and thats what gets you the call backs.

Just a casual look from his fights there Rich.

He's had two quick KO wins, and anytime he's been on the ground, well, it hasn't looked so good for him (naka, Machida).

You're probably right, he no doubt wants more of the KO's that originally made his name. But from what we've seen, it seems he does that as he's nervous or doesn't feel competent enough on the ground.

And Rich the above poster you're arguing with is YourFather a known judo detractor with a serious agenda of negativity against any grappling art that isn't bjj.