Some entertaining 90S BOXING heavyweight scraps

good thread

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nice combos

and the jab knock down in round 4
is very nice

Joe Hipp is a name I haven’t thought if in awhile. I always was a fan. Dude would show up looking out of shape and then just school dudes. A tough, rough and in your face puncher. He had a good reach and put the output out. In the fight above with Morrison he had never been that light.

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yeah agreed he was a good fighter who did not get the credit he deserved
very tough guy who surprised a lot of good fighters

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The 90’s gave us three, of the greatest hwt shit shows of all time Bowe v Holyfield 2,(fan man!), Holyfield v Tyson 2, and Bowe v Golota 1! All excellent for the shock value they produced!

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i have never actually seen this fight…will give it a watch

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good fight…just saw

bey really had a nice up jab and whipping left hook

gave larry terrible early and kinda slick actually

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bobby czyz called it right
that botha would get ripped off