Some entertaining 90S BOXING heavyweight scraps

This was a brutal beating. I was so happy. I had a little run in with Gonzalez about a month before this fight. He was at Arco Arena where Lennox Lewis was fighting Lionel Butler. Luis DeCuba was standing by me telling some guy how Gonzalez was going to be Bowe. I told DeCuba he was crazy, right as Gonzalez was walking up. He gets upset and starts yelling at me “I Keel Bowe”. I just kept laughing saying “You’re getting knocked out.”
Two weeks later I’m at the MGM. I just got my room key and was getting some stuff in the giftshop before I went to my room. Well…, Gonzalez is sitting at a table in the store signing autographs. I walked in and he glanced at me. I continue getting my stuff and am walking by on the way to check out. He looks at me again and we made eye contact. He seemed like he was trying to remember how he recognized. I smiled and said “You’re still getting knocked out.” He realized who I was and stood up pointing. I was laughing talking shit while he was (possible playing, but it some legit) mad and yelling in broken english. Security came over and talked with a gal who was standing by him. The security came over and at first were going to kick me out of the casino. I explained I have a room and was just getting a few things first. I explained how we had words weeks earlier, and what over. I told them I thought it was an act by him. They told me to stay away from that part for the rest of the night. Watching him get destroyed was one of the happiest beatings I’ve ever witnessed. Bowe was trying to hurt him, and almost did.


Cool story bra……no really that is a cool story.

if there was no security,

would you have told him he was gonna get knocked out…lol

probably not i am assuming

i loved bowe and did not like gonzalez at all
but too many people get mouthy with fighters
because the fighter can’t display his fighting skills to them
due to contracts, security etc etc

do you realize what this motherfuck would have done to you if he feed you a right hand…
you would be eating through a straw in the hospital for a few week minimum

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100% I would have. I dont know if you ever had been to boxing events in Sacramento in the 80’s and 90’s, but security never seemed in a rush to break up fights. I seen a poor guy take a beating for probably 6 or 7minutes at the old Arco getting jumped by a bunch of Nortenos. Security wasnt going to save me there. I am not saying I would have a prayer boxing him. In a street fight, he wouldn’t have been standing at a distance to smack me with the big right hand he had. He was 6’7 235-240lbs. I wasn’t a small guy at 6’4 then, before 2 back surgeries and my whole neck getting fused. I was a pretty in shape 280lbs. Squaring up and throwing punches at distance is not how it would have went had things gotten worse.