Some guys just don't get..........

"So Sultan, would you say that immaturity would be an undesirable trait for an adult?"

In short, yes. However, I would also say to each his own.

I wouldn't necessarily hang out with someone who was very immature, but it's none of my business what others do.

I know 11 year olds that can be much more mature than some of the 30 year olds I know.

It's completely dependent upon the person.

In general, there is a gap in maturity.

Where is this line of questioning going?

Yes, that's correct.

"This thread was a celebration of how hard it is to get a Black Belt and my level of respect for black belts.

Too bad everyone's rush to be dickheads and assholes overshadowed that fact."

LOL @ you taking 2 days to ask such an easy question.

Because it wasn't directed solely at you. But it wasn't cool and I apologize.

However, it was a defense mechanism.

No, I'm not 12.

Go ahead and ask, "so how do you justify being a hypocrite?"

Let's not take two days to ask that, please.

"You are very defensive, I had to take the round about way."

I'm only defensive when I'm being attacked just like most people.

I made a thread to celebrate the BJJ black belt and the respect that they deserve and a few guys immediately turn this into a 5 page fiasco attacking my character as a person simply because they didn't understand the wording of what I was trying to say.

How do you justify that?

Damn you guys - Let it go...

"I never cared that you made a thread celebrating BB's, I just didnt like how hypocritical you became in defending it thats all."

In trying to make a point, you have contradicted yourself.

You began with all this immaturity and condescending nature.

I thought you were going to get to a point, but it's completely obvious that you are not.

Peace out.