Someone Photoshop this pic- Struve KO

struve limbo'ing please!!!

edit: he could also be doing the bernie ala weekend at bernie's

I can't stop laughing at Bob Ross! LMFAO! I knew the OG could cheer me up after that facking hockey game.



Porkchop - meh bob ross has been done a thousand times. originality counts for a lot.
Bob Ross has never been done that badly before. Unintentional comedy counts for a lot, too, especially around these parts.

well done with the cliffhanger one on page 1.

crazygrimreaper - 
thelast10er -  can someone plz buy thomas a blue name



lol that Thomas Wood Photoshop is hilarious!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!

I am loling right now!! Phone Post

what - <img alt="" src="" /> 

This looks like something a first grader would have created. Not just any first grader, but a first grader that got held back in art.

crazygrimreaper -  i bought that faggot a blue name just so we could enjoy the fruits of his labour and the guy stops posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i only got him it because he gave me a genuine laugh out loud moment when he thought it was ok to post that romo lol. 

VTFU for buying him a blue even if he doesn't post. Good Romos here and good laughs.

thelast10er -  

Nice job!

double post

Ttt Phone Post