Sonnen/Silva stare down pic is priceless

japetto - I honestly could care less about this fight. Sonnen has nothing new to offer Anderson, but a boatload of shit talking. The more aggressive he is, the quicker Anderson will finish him.

Don't leave us hanging! How much less??

fingers crossed chael is the first death in the UFC

Gomi is not impressed.

The basher- you are a fucking Idiot, and more likely than not a fucking pussy

this is going to be a fight know doubt

That wasn't Chael, that was someone with a Spanish accent..

Anderson's going to slaughter him

Well this title is misleading, that is not the staredown pic at all. After sonnen did the staredown when the were supposed to Pose for the Camara Anderson kept the staredown going. Hopefully it works out for him like it worked out for Kongo when he gave Mir his back. (i doubt that it will though)

Also if you post a pic of the real staredown Anderson was looking down it almost seemed like he had his eyes closed the whole time. You guys need to get of his NUTZ

^ Dumb incompetent POS troll.

I love how Anderson wore a backwards crooked hat, big shiny diamond earrings, and a bright pink shirt just to make Chael happy. the only thing he could have done better was to also walk through Chael's neighborhood one sunny afternoon. add that to the "I've been training with Steven Seagal" line and it's all hilarity.

Chael, as predicted, talked a great game but is visibly shaken, forcing a makeshift politician's smile, and clearly already scared to stare danger in the face. who can blame him really though? I mean, if you're crossing the street and a gigantic truck is barreling toward you at 60mph about to run you over and destroy you, your reflex is to flinch and look away as you meet your fate.


Skip2MyLou - 
spudink - 
blue63 - 
Skip2MyLou - Silva always wears pink, it's no surprise.

Every time he's shown in the crowd at a UFC card, he's wearing pink.

Dude has style, white watch matching his white shirt.

 LOL @ saying a grown man wearing a pink shirt, earrings and a backwards baseball cap has style.


Blue63 is just mad, cause he could never pull that off.
For the record, NOBODY pulls that off


Staredown pic looks photochopped, lol

 LMFAO Thiago was cracking up like a child at everything Chael was saying

Grease>Diuretics - Well this title is misleading, that is not the staredown pic at all.

(spins around in an office chair and begins a slow clap)

Well played friend. You win this round...

(throws smoke bomb and leaps into nearby laundry shoot to plan next move and maybe have a snack if time allows)


Dana is one F'n powerful wizard. I don't know how the hell he got me to care about this fight, but I do now. I swore I'd never pay to watch Silva fight again and now I am handing the gold over to him with a smile.

Deuce77 - Anderson refused to take his eyes off Chael.

well he is wearing a pink shirt and earings, just saying.

Chael: "I won my primary with 99.6% of the vote"
Ariel: "Wasn't that the one you ran un-opposed?"
Chael" "Yes I believe it was".. (cue laughter)

(not exact quotes but more or less correct)

Combat Vette - 
WoundedKnee - If you don't support Chael in this fight you are un-american!


What if you're not American?