Sonnen v. Gouveia @ UFC 102


What do you think UG?

i think I've had enough Chael Sonnen. 

They got what they wanted out of him, they used him to build Maia as the least threatening and still credible enough to justify a title shot.  But they guy just isn't that good.  He got lucky and Filho showed up to a fight crazy and disinterested.  Seems like he's a good wrestler, but he can't stop getting submitted and he has nothing on the feet, so he's really not good for much at upper weight classes.  Feed him to Goveia, fine, but then let him move on.


Gouveia beats him and CRE gives up on Sonnen forever

Mad Xyientist - i think I've had enough Chael Sonnen. 

They got what they wanted out of him, they used him to build Maia as the least threatening and still credible enough to justify a title shot.  But they guy just isn't that good.  He got lucky and Filho showed up to a fight crazy and disinterested.  Seems like he's a good wrestler, but he can't stop getting submitted and he has nothing on the feet, so he's really not good for much at upper weight classes.  Feed him to Goveia, fine, but then let him move on.


Dude... Sonnen vs. Horn 4. For realsies this time.

 Horn just submitted him twice while you were typing smoogy.

Horn has to tap him in Moscow for no money on Christmas Day for it to count

 I think you mean Horn needs to "scream him"

gouveia should win, but sonnen could grind out a decision i suppose.

I could see Sonnen getting a decision here, but Gouveia definitely has the skills to submit him.

Gouveia has underperformed compared to how his coaches and partners evaluate his skills, but even an underperforming Gouveia should be more than enough to handle Sonnen.

I want Sonnen to win but Gouveia will

 I'll venture a guess....triangle

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you" — here I opened wide the door; ——

Darkness there, and nothing more. 

Gouveia takes this unless he gasses very quickly and allows Sonnen to take a decision.

Damn, what a horrible match up again for Sonnen. Gouveia has dynamite in his hands and a lethal ground game.
Sleep tight Chael.

is this the UFC's way of telling Sonnen you need to actually practice BJJ and wrassling is not the end all be all.

night night sonnen.