Sonnen with or without TRT?

Once they announced Bisping as Sonnen's opponent he took the rest of the time off up until their fight.

He almost dun goofed but still got the job done.

Malvert the Janitor -
inf0 - Doesn't matter.. He's going to be KD'd anyways.

Knocked down?

Okay. And then what? Phone Post
Then Ando is going to jump on top of him, Sonnen will sweep him with his great grappling and the gNp will start Phone Post

I just figured that like any D-1 all-American wrestler lucky enough to fight a Brit, he took his entire training camp off, and then made his cut. Phone Post

UGCTT_Gaspare -
ashby - Oh I think it makes a huge difference! Look at his last fight, he wasn't the usual sonnen with testosterone....
Maybe he had a bad cut? Maybe he was hurt? Maybe styles make matches and Bisping has a harder style to deal with? Phone Post
These ?'s and more...

A lot of us wonder why Michael hasn't gotten his shot yet.

Styles make fights, Bisping was a HARDER FIGHT for Chael than Anderson was, simply based of style, moveset, and timing. Chael said several times after their fight that he was thoroughly impressed with Mike, and I'd love to see a second fight between them. Chael also admitted that until the Bisping fight, he'd never lost a round decisively like that. Bisping kept him working and could keep up with Chael working him. That was a great fight and it would be great to see a second one if (when) Chael wins the title.

I firmly believe the UFC has cheated Michael out of a few golden opportunities at a title shot, that could even be due to Anderson saying, behind closed doors, that he doesn't want to fight him. Wouldn't surprise me. I've said it for years, Michael Bisping is underrated as FUCK and can and HAS beaten through a good amount of the MW Division. He deserves his title shot.

Chael on TRT or off? Really? I'm sorry but I spent the day "off" my anti-seizure medication by accident, I didn't make it 20hrs without having a nearly fatal seizure and ending up ejected from a windshield and on life-support for nearly a week. Once you begin a maintenance medication of any kind you don't just "stop," it doesn't matter if it's neurophysical (like TRT) or neurological (like anti-convulsive therapy) the reason these guys (most of them) are undergoing specific therapies is to give them a chance to compete at an average, controlled level.

In other words, telling Chael to leave testosterone therapy in the dust could be pretty close to the same as leaving any type of medical necessity to it's own device. That's why if you've been taking ANY meds, even Aspirin, for any extensive period, there is a weening-off comedown process associated with it.

A lot of you act like this TRT turns Chael into some sort of "Superman." We'll you're wrong. Watch his WEC fights, watch his earlier no-name promotion and KOTC fights, he's always been a phenomonal wrestler-turned-fighter. Look up how all that shock to your body from a young age fucks up your petuitary glands and your ability to grow functionally. Educate yourselves.

I know you don't all want to accept it, bit Chael has been trained to be an athletic machine from around the age of FOUR. If you don't think drilling double legs and letting grown men slam you to the mat at age FOUR or FIVE can stunt your growth or effect your petuetary acticity- you are mistaken.

Chael is a phenominal athlete win or lose, I will be rooting for him and his relentless workpace without a doubt because I am a fan of his. TRT or not the man is an entertaining fighter who brings it every time. I can't wait.

That being said... War TRT. WAR CHAEL! lol. He really doesn't deserve the bad rap for it, lets see how he does against Silva this time, if he bombs completely, flame away. But if he wins, don't male BS claims that he "only won from being hopped to the gills on TRT." Especially if the drug tests show that to be untrue. Give this man his due someday, he is a phenominal fighter and championship material- in my opinion. Phone Post

Silva needs to take some chances in this rematch. Knees to the head to defend the takedown and steven segal kicks to the chin!

He's exempt Phone Post

inf0 -  Anderson's rib had more impact on the fight than Chael's TRT.

Yea it did since Chapel broke it. Phone Post

inf0 -  Anderson's rib had more impact on the fight than Chael's TRT.

Yea it did since Chapel broke it. Phone Post
Damn u auto correct.

CHAEL Phone Post

DanTheWolfman - Still I don't think anyone has come out and said what allowable Test levels are?

Is it in TT, but only if you T/E ratio is above 6:1? Is that how it works?

If it was just TT it would be set at like 850 I would think......but, if you only get TT tested if your T/E ratio is above 6/1 does that mean you can be a very strong TT super human 1150-1250 level app and still get away with it????

Is it twice a week injections of 70 mg each....or is it twice a week of 120-150 mg each? Big big difference potentially

Can they set a limit on T levels for everyone? Aren't there too many variables? 'Normal' levels are 3-10 ng/ml, but someone shouldn't fail for being a natural freak which is why only synthetic T is banned.

I would assume each TUE has it's own conditions, so Chael still has to come within the 6:1 ratio but the details of how much and often he is injected was agreed to by his doctor and the AC doctor.

It's all bullshit anyway.

Tad Ghostal - Chael never stopped TRT.
This. Stupid thread. Phone Post

So Chael Sonnen has put on a noticeable amount of muscle since the last Silva fight off or on a lower dose of TRT?

Come on guys

DanTheWolfman - Not stupid thread, talking to a Pro Fighter online and he thinks Chael had to lower dose dramatically for Bisping fight so this could be a big factor

Why does he think that? As part of his TUE he had to give details about any other TUEs. Apparently he applied for a TUE in both Texas and Illinois and indicated on both pre fight questionnaires that he was taking synthetic testosterone but neither commission granted or denied him a TUE.

Malvert the Janitor - 
inf0 - Doesn't matter.. He's going to be KD'd anyways.

Knocked down?

Okay. And then what? Phone Post

 Knocked Dead, foo