Sonnen's record if he stayed clean?

What do you figure it would be? Same same? Vastly different? Phone Post 3.0

I can say with 100% confidence that he would have been killed by that pen stubby journalist in Brazil if his system was not loaded with the complete list of banned substances.

He had a ton of sub losses that would still be there. His wins....I think he still does really well given his skillset. People tend to think he is just a mouth, but the guy can really fight. Please don't bring the Hashad fight up or I lose this argument.

ShanTheMan - He had a ton of sub losses that would still be there. His wins....I think he still does really well given his skillset. People tend to think he is just a mouth, but the guy can really fight. Please don't bring the Hashad fight up or I lose this argument.
Vtfu Phone Post 3.0

His will to win was always much greater than his body. And he did anything he could to win.

Who the fuck cares? How about would Batman have ever even become the super hero he was without his parents being killed in that dark alley that night?

Pretty wild to think that both he and Wand would be on the July 5 card had it not been for random testing.

Also, PEDs or not, dude had major balls and chased the hardest fights in an era where most just choose the easiest fight with the most upside.

I still wish for a sonnen wanderlei PED enhanced fight. Just let em juice up, sign waivers and go at it Phone Post 3.0

He'd have lost every single fight in the UFC if it wasn't for him cheating. If you followed Sonnen before the UFC he just wasn't really a world beater at all.

0-0 Phone Post 3.0

Undefeated. Ironically he only lost when he screwed up his levels and let them fall below normal. Phone Post 3.0

Cutty McButts - 0-0 Phone Post 3.0

Exactly Phone Post 3.0

banging - His will to win was always much greater than his body. And he did anything he could to win.
As a big Chael fan I sadly have to disagree.

He tapped vs Rashad.

As much as I rate him as a man and a competitor. That's not a great will to win.

He had the desire to compete and be world champion. In that sticky situation he checked out, which is nothing to be ashamed of, but to say he didn't is disingenuous. Phone Post 3.0

 damn near everyone else was on roids so if sonnen was clean he wouldnt have done as well :)

Arlovskis Chin - 
banging - His will to win was always much greater than his body. And he did anything he could to win.
As a big Chael fan I sadly have to disagree.

He tapped vs Rashad.

As much as I rate him as a man and a competitor. That's not a great will to win.

He had the desire to compete and be world champion. In that sticky situation he checked out, which is nothing to be ashamed of, but to say he didn't is disingenuous. Phone Post 3.0

I agree. He also seemed to checkout mentally as soon as the second Silva fight didn't go totally his way in the 2nd round.

Herring In A Fur Coat - Dec loss to Bisping
Sub loss to Marquardt
TKO loss to Shogun
TKO loss to Stann
Dec loss to Okami

seems silly to say he would have lost to a bunch of guys who also have tested positive for PED's if Chael hadn't been on PEDs lol

I think EPO was big for him, his whole style was based around constant pressure and you need excellent cardio to keep that up for a full 15 minutes.

Without the EPO he wouldnt have been able to stay as active, so close decisions like the Bisping one may have not gone his way or he may have chilled out in guard more and got caught in more subs.

Who really knows though.

Chanel's best performance was the first loss to Silva anyway. Phone Post 3.0