Soooo...Do the Judges get a TV screen to watch...

..when they are judging a fight? Because I didn't have front row seats like those dumbasses and had Srerk losing the match. Are these guys staring at one odd angle covered by cornermen jumping up and down? What about the cage blocking their view or the referee getting in the way of a round-deciding blow? Dunham now has a blemish on his record just because MMA judges are fucking idiots.

Maybe Dana should spend some money on buying these judges a TV each to see what we're seeing at home. That way his brand won't be damaged by the athletic commissions once again. What a crock of shit. I might even boycott UFC 120 now, I don'tif its free or not.

/end rant

You know, I may even lose my job for this, but I agree 100%.The sport needs more judges that actually know the sport. I worked the Grant-Paulino, Lopez- Lowe, And Dollaway- Doerkson fights, and was amazed at the decisions of Sherk Dunham and the Nog fights.

Pull Lead, the problem is that the UFC brought it's own judges and the State could only use a few officials in certain bouts. If the State doesn't like how they do it, the UFC will just go to another state. I know there are some bad judges out there, I just have no idea why they are still in the UFC.


 Does anybody have a link to the article where they talked about Kizer removing the monitors from the judges tables? i can only find the rogan bloody elbow article.

"idiocy" was the word you were looking for easedel. THE MORE YOU KNOW Phone Post

 the judges are blindfolded

cecil peoples would just change the station if he was given a TV.

Lol @ UFC bringing their own judges. Cmon..

It's the goddamn commission who provides their own judges (and rules).

illini89i - Pull Lead, the problem is that the UFC brought it's own judges and the State could only use a few officials in certain bouts. If the State doesn't like how they do it, the UFC will just go to another state. I know there are some bad judges out there, I just have no idea why they are still in the UFC.

This sounds like bullshit.


@Mauricio_C I don't hire the judges! Have you ever watched a fight?

C/status/25559334736">in reply to Mauricio_C

Can anyone provide the judges name and what their background in the fight world are ????

I am completely on board with judge's having monitors, but here's a novel idea that might potentially fix some of the horrid judging we've witnessed in the last year or so, and be a way to extend some good will to the veterans of the sport.

Let some of the true pioneers of the sport become judge's, then that way they get to stay around the sport they love, and we no longer have to see guys like People's, Crosby, etc deliver WTF decisions.

When a judge likes Doc Hamilton comes out admitting he was wrong in scoring the 1st championship fight with Shogun/Machida and blaming it on his view being blocked for most of the 4th round, and saying monitors would help I don't know what more evidence you need.

Here is the article where kizer had monitors, which were already installed at the judges' stations, removed.

My biggest question to kizer has always been, "How is adalaide byrd a qualified MMA judge?".

 The UFC does NOT bring their own judges.  The judges that were working the Indy event were some of the more experienced judges out there. 

Both Cecil Peoples and Glenn Trowbridge gave Sherk the 2nd round and Dunham the 3rd, but c'mon... that fight was very close and not what I would call a robbery.

I was sitting cageside and scored it a draw, giving Sherk a 10-8 for the 1st and Dunham the last two.

 Also, there are 6 monitors for the judges right above the octagon that are about 6 feet x 6 feet.

I guess I never really understood the monitor thing.  So you guys are saying that "judge visibility" is the reason for the controversy?  They just "can't see"?  Is this entirely based on one judge saying in one round of one fight that his view was obstructed?

MMA has inherited corrupt shitty boxing officials in one state after another. That's the problem. When MMA gets sanctioned it's run by people that have no fucking clue about the sport and they appoint their old friends to judge it.

BJJkilla - cecil peoples would just change the station if he was given a TV.


Uncle Justice -  Also, there are 6 monitors for the judges right above the octagon that are about 6 feet x 6 feet.

I guess I never really understood the monitor thing.  So you guys are saying that "judge visibility" is the reason for the controversy?  They just "can't see"?  Is this entirely based on one judge saying in one round of one fight that his view was obstructed?

Some people think a judge's visibility is kind of important, especially in a championship fight. Do you think constantly having to look directly above you, which doesn't give you the best view of the big screens, is a better way for a judge to improve his visibility instead of just looking at a monitor? Why does Dana, and everyone else who has a monitor ringside constantly stare at them when they are ringside? Have you ever been ringside?

 All I'm saying is that everyone is shitting themselves that monitors are the answer because one judge in one round of one fight in MMA history said his view was obstructed.

Obviously educating judges on ALL aspects of MMA and clarifying the judging criteria for the Unified rules are the first two steps that need to be taken to cut down on the amount of BS decisions.

Would it be possible to show the judges score cards after each round on the televised broadcast and in the arena? I feel like when I used to watch boxing they'd bring in Dr. Ferdie Pacheco to do that.