sorry but bethe correira is delusional

except for her sweet ass? shes nothing
to think she has anything for Ronda is a frigging joke!
yes she beat rondas training partners but cmon?
shaynas best times are past
and the tall girls a never was(should have sticked to modeling)
the other hotties not even in the ufc so she dont count!

And you ain't got nothing for her sweet ass! Phone Post 3.0

true , but they might as well make the fight there's interest in it.

fraz1001 - Yeah she ain't got nothing for Honda Phone Post 3.0

Who does ? May as well make the fight with a half decent storyline.

Stea1th - Should do battle of the booties and have her fight Meisha Phone Post 3.0

I'd rather they form a old-school WWF-style tag team called The Bootydonnas.

shes a serious butta face also

So strange that I find this girl SO attractive. She's not hot, but damn she makes my cock hard. Her mean mugs, her Latino booty shake dancing and her attitude - doesn't matter that she isn't a frikkin model. Phone Post

The Mammoth - So strange that I find this girl SO attractive. She's not hot, but damn she makes my cock hard. Her mean mugs, her Latino booty shake dancing and her attitude - doesn't matter that she isn't a frikkin model. Phone Post

That's what you find attractive.

Now you know why women are drawn to guys who aren't great looking or loaded but rather because they have that extra something.

Bethe isn't phony hype. She really believes what she is selling and you can't fake it.

I'm attracted to her too and I know I wouldn't be if she were some timid yes girl thanking the UFC for a chance. Phone Post 3.0

I like Beth she got a bit of extra love from the UFC for the horsewomen gimmick moving the fight up the card and she has an angle with Rhonda they can use to sell a fight when she earns a title fight. Could they sell a Rhonda fight in Brazil if Beth can get a few more wins ? Phone Post 3.0

BigTedBear - I like Beth she got a bit of extra love from the UFC for the horsewomen gimmick moving the fight up the card and she has an angle with Rhonda they can use to sell a fight when she earns a title fight. Could they sell a Rhonda fight in Brazil if Beth can get a few more wins ? Phone Post 3.0

i think they make rousey vs correira. if bethe keeps winning and ronda beats zingano, holly holm/carano. they won't need to sell the fight they just can make it a co-main event. brazil would work if they have aldo as the main event or even werdum if he beats cain.

KnowAnySailors - Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass Phone Post 3.0

Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass

shootfightermike - except for her sweet ass? shes nothing
to think she has anything for Ronda is a frigging joke!
yes she beat rondas training partners but cmon?
shaynas best times are past
and the tall girls a never was(should have sticked to modeling)
the other hotties not even in the ufc so she dont count!
Lol well if she thought that way why would she even fight?

I agree Ronda is probably too much for her right now. But I think in time she could be a challenge. Phone Post 3.0

ShoreBreaker420 - And you ain't got nothing for her sweet ass! Phone Post 3.0
Zing! Phone Post 3.0

ggddcc -
KnowAnySailors - Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass Phone Post 3.0

Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass

Dat ass
Dat ass Phone Post 3.0

i said i love her sweet ass