Spezza and Staal=Team Canada

damn... Shanahan too. Sorry Brendan. :(

im kinda pissed about staal spezza and mcCabe only as alternates.

nathan is a G Damn genius. my thoughts exactly to bad the executive didn't feel the same way..hopefully draps and doan get hurt before feb

I am not surprised with the team at all, seems pretty well thought out with obviously lots of depth. Really there isint much room for Spezza and/or Staal but at least there spares. They will all have there chance in 2010 along with Crosby.

If you look at Peca, Doan and Draper's plus-minus this season they are all in the minus. Spezza +21. I know he's young but he should have gotten a spot. It shouldn't be about what you did in the past IMO.

its all about role players, spezza may be +21 but draper,doan and thornton line were top lines last time out and it was shane doan that scored the winner in the gold medal game. im not disagreeing with the picks or agreeing but they made some safe picks this year.

its almost the same team as last time except nash and bertuzzi in and morrow and lemieux out, not bad if u ask me

turco surprised me though!! good for the soo to have a rep!!!!

+/- doesn't mean much.

If you spend all your time trying to stop the other teams best players, like Draper does, you are likely going to be a minus, but that doesn't mean you haven't been successful.

An NFL team can have a great defence, but if they spend the entire game on the field, they're going to give up points no matter how good they are.

Add to that, the top 10 guys on:

Ottawa average a +18

Detroit average a +9

Edmonton average a +5

Phoenix average a +6

so it's kind of apples to oranges.

The bottom line is, Draper and Doan can accomplish things on the ice that Spezza can't. The team already has guys to do the things that Spezza offers.

Oh... and was I damn close with my picks or what?

I was wrong on McCabe. He made the taxi squad, but I thought Coach Quinn would have been able to sneak him in ahead of Adam Foote who has been both hurt and struggling this year.

I was wrong on the third checker, (Madden/Morrow), but Ryan Smyth has been a dedicated participant for Canada, so good on him. I guess he has Kevin Lowe going to bat for him too, which doesn't hurt.

All those players, and I only got two wrong though.... great minds think alike :)

my appologies to WC17. It seems as though I am the crackhead.


Well hopefully next Canada Cup or Olympics some of those guys step aside so that the younger guys can play. What is amazing out of all of this is that Canada has so much talent that it brings up arguements like this.

nathan is correct

ya what does McCabe have to do to get in. He plays 30mins a game, he hits and hes the point leading defenceman.

I really hope someone gets hurt.

actually team Canada is pretty dangerous with Farmer, Wagnney, Nick, Potvin and Travis representing



young guns will get their chance to shine at the worlds championships, the Pens wont make the playoffs. The Canes will probably be out to, and back to usual, and the Senaturds will go out in the first round freeing up Spezza before it's too late. The Leafs hopefully miss the playoffs, so there will be Wellwood and Stajan.

Imagine how good team canada will be in four years when all these young guys have developed!