Sport Killer

I get that he's probably doing what he thinks is best for his guy but its sometimes easy to see how Greg Jackson draws so much hate, especially from Dana. As we've seen recently there's no reason a loss can't be followed up by a title shot so let Cowboy fight, don't keep him on the shelf! The dude likes to fight, I'm pretty sure the majority of the fans like watching him too so let it happen. Maybe some of his success comes from the fact he does fight regularly and doesn't get rusty, so why risk changing something that is clearly working for him? Don't try and make him sit out, help him negotiate a deal whereby he's guaranteed his shot regardless of the outcome of any fight he takes in the meantime. Cowboy still gets his shot, Jackson still gets his chance to have another champion on his CV, the fans get another Cerrone fight, and Dana and the UFC gets the PPV buys. Everyone wins. Phone Post 3.0

Fighters dont always get a title shot when they loose! Yes it has happened a few times but its not a regular thing. I guarantee if Cowboy had to take a fight and happened to get KO'd, he wont be getting a shot at the belt. I love watching him fight too as much as anyone else but the guy really deserves his chance at the strap right now and Greg wants him to get it, as do a lot of other people. Phone Post 3.0

Don't see how it's relevant to Greg Jackson. Cowboy said he wants to wait for the title shot so that's what he's doing, I don't think Greg is making decisions for anyone. 

You can go back to lurking, OP Phone Post 3.0

Lightweight is so stacked him getting KOed would kill any chance at a title shot. Only reason it happened in the light heavyweight division is because the division is so weak. Phone Post 3.0

Cowboy fights well when he fights often. Shelfing him for a title shot is a double-edged sword. Phone Post 3.0

Media Monster - Cowboy fights well when he fights often. Shelfing him for a title shot is a double-edged sword. Phone Post 3.0
I agree.

I truly think this is time for a tune up fight as in boxing.

Yes, an upset could occur.

But with a tune up fight the UFC gets to sell a Cerrone fight (if he's fighting, I'm watching) and Cerrone gets a keep busy bout and another payday until RDA is ready.

I'd put Donald as say the main event of prelims on Fox Sports 1 versus a softer touch opponent in a tune up/showcase bout.

If he loses, you then sell the upset angle and you still have Cerrone as a bulletproof star who would still be but one fight away.

Maybe it's far, far too risky and I simply just want to see the guy fighting again soon because I really feel he's a better fighter the more he fights.

As a Cowboy fan, I actually fear him being off by the time the title shot occurs as a result of being shelved. Phone Post 3.0

SodomizedbyCALDERsWOOD - Lightweight is so stacked him getting KOed would kill any chance at a title shot. Only reason it happened in the light heavyweight division is because the division is so weak. Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0