Squat - Whats the point of the powerlifting style?

Squatdog - 
So moving the bar 2 inches up your back makes you better at sports?

Lowbar squats are specialised for one sport, namely Powerlifting.

(since some people can go really deep with high-bar and narrow stance who cannot with a wider stance and low-bar position),

Once again, Lowbar squats DON'T automatically equate to a wider stance. What part of this can you possibly not understand????

So if I conclude here, it looks to me like low-bar parallel squats allow greater weight to be lifted, and to be lifted in a greater range of motion, compared with high-bar parallel squats.

<img src="http://crossfithoodriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/squats.jpg" alt="" />

Holy shit you are dense.

ALL THREE of these squats are to parallel. The difference is that the lowbar squat starts from a much lower position, meaning it has less vertical distance to travel and is accommodated in the bottom position by the lifter leaning forward and essentially turning the movement into a Good Morning.

This is great if you are a powerlifter wearing an 8-inch belt and/or supersuit, not so much for everyone else. 

I don't know why you would say that last comment.

I have seen every stance and bar position you can think of in raw meets. The only postition you see in multi ply meets is the one you are using in that pic.

My stance is narower than yours and the bar is about 1 inch lower. So I guess I am not getting better at sports, but you are?

This is a poitless discussion. I really think you just wanted to post a pic of yourself.

Next thing you know, we'll see pics of Conan.

*whistles innocently*

I have seen every stance and bar position you can think of in raw meets.

How about in full 'assisted' competition?

Not using a lowbar squat with belt, supersuit and a mile of wraps would greatly hinder your performance in relation to other lifters, who would look like this:

My stance is narower than yours and the bar is about 1 inch lower. So I guess I am not getting better at sports, but you are?

Lowbar squats aren't inherently bad in themselves, but overall are somewhat sub-optimal for non-powerlifters compared to highbar squats.

To reiterate, do heavy squats however you feel comfortable and your legs will get stronger


None So Blind - Next thing you know, we'll see pics of Conan.

*whistles innocently*

You mean Jason Momoa?

Oh, and BTW, I was watching the IPF world championships a few months ago on UStream, and I remember watching the men's divisions, and there were quite a few men (in a geared meet, BTW) who were using a rather higher bar stance than our resident member of the Lolipop Guild does in his pic.

Chocolate Shatner - 

Oh, and BTW, I was watching the IPF world championships a few months ago on UStream, and I remember watching the men's divisions, and there were quite a few men (in a geared meet, BTW) who were using a rather higher bar stance than our resident member of the Lolipop Guild does in his pic.

It's probably a matter of you never having actually trained before and not knowing the difference between the two styles.

Squatdog - 
Chocolate Shatner - 

Oh, and BTW, I was watching the IPF world championships a few months ago on UStream, and I remember watching the men's divisions, and there were quite a few men (in a geared meet, BTW) who were using a rather higher bar stance than our resident member of the Lolipop Guild does in his pic.

It's probably a matter of you never having actually trained before and not knowing the difference between the two styles.

Riiight. Gotcha, Tatu. Now, wheres de plane?

It would be physically impossible for anyone to use a 'higher bar stance' than me in competition because the bar would be sitting directly on their fucking neck.

This is almost as bad as when you claimed that the reason American superhero roles were played by non-Americans was that there was no sport like Padball for 'big guys' in Europe. Then claimed that Rugby was a tiny amateur sport that was dwarfed by competitive swimming in Australia, even after the actual participation statistics proved you completely wrong and people were laughing at you.

Squatdog - It would be physically impossible for anyone to use a 'higher bar stance' than me in competition because the bar would be sitting directly on their fucking neck.

This is almost as bad as when you claimed that the reason American superhero roles were played by non-Americans was that there was no sport like Padball for 'big guys' in Europe. Then claimed that Rugby was a tiny amateur sport that was dwarfed by competitive swimming in Australia, even after the actual participation statistics proved you completely wrong and people were laughing at you.

Well, let's see. The following are all from a search of Google for "IPF Powerlifting Championships" image search. All have higher bar positions than what you demonstrate.




http://www.powerlifting-ipf.com/fileadmin/data/pictures/powerlifting/womens-open/2005/604_Harriet_Hall_Squat.JPG (a woman, this one)



Now, that's not even finding the Greek lifter that first came to mind when I thought of this, since he made an impression not only for the high bar, but also a rather narrow stance.

So please, leave the conversations to the grown-ups.

Well, let's see. The following are all from a search of Google for "IPF Powerlifting Championships" image search. All have higher bar positions than what you demonstrate.


What a complete retard.

Lowbar squat.


Lowbar squat.

Lowbar squat.

Highbar squat.

Highbar squat.

The other two you listed were a woman and a Master's lifter.

Uncle Chael knows..

Uh, genius, most of those are higher than your "highbar squat."

So, yeah, sorry. Go back to trolling Conan threads.

Chocolate Shatner - Uh, genius, most of those are higher than your "highbar squat."

So, yeah, sorry. Go back to trolling Conan threads.


Or even better, watch the video

at 4:40, the Japanese lifter uses a higher bar position than you.

at 7:20, the Belgian uses a higher bar position than you.

at 12:53, the Romanian lifter uses a higher bar position than you.

Now, that's ONE competition, ONE weight class, and yet in just the first round I find 3 lifters who have higher bar positions?

Uh, genius, most of those are higher than your "highbar squat."


You really are a moron.

In the two pictures I provided, the bar is sitting directly on my upper traps, ABOVE my deltoids. You can even see the bar casting a shadow down the middle of my deltoids in both pictures, for fuck's sake.

You must be trolling here, no-one could really be THIS stupid.

This discussion seems to have skewed off a bit. But i recently read an article that is relevant to this debate so thought i would bump it up again and see if it makes a difference to anyone's opinion:

"Fred Hatfield, AKA "Dr. Squat" who is a respected authority on strength training, has written a couple of very good books on the subject, and who competed at a fairly high level in both gymnastics and OL before achieving a 1008lb squat at 44 years of age and I believe around 255lbs, has argued extensively that not only should the HB squat be used EXCLUSIVELY for the training of athletes, but its qualities of carry over are such that even POWERLIFTERS who are actually competing with a low bar, bent over, only to parallel and sometimes wide stance squat, should in fact do HB, Olympic style squats for much of the off season. In a rough quote of his words, HB squats build strength, LB squats demonstrate it."


Good info squatdog.

That's what makes me laugh about powerlifters (the pics that squat dog posted).

Fucking suits and 10 people to help squat you, and even THEN it isn't ass to grass.

That's why i LOVE Oly lifters. They do MEGA weight with PROPER form and they do it with no help.

my 2 cents...

I'm 39 and I have osteoarthritis in my lower back.
I get cortisone injections approx 1x/year.
Squatting is my fav exercise and quite honestly squats and DL's are the main reason I can stand up and walk properly.
without them i'd be fucked.

now, a lot of what squatdog has said is absolutely correct (IMO) but I don't HB squat anymore and I haven't in years.
I think HB squats are much more difficult and extremely challenging but the added direct pressure on my spine is a bit too risky and has the potential to cause problems for me and have.
I have learned to love LB squats, front squats and even overhead squats.
they all have their place and I think the best way to improve your physique, functional strength or sports preparedness is to build strength in them all. Variety is key.

there are major differences b/t HB and LB squats though, make no mistake about it.

the LB squat and DL keep my posterior chain strong (or at least not weak) and pretty much save my life.