++++St. Judes Charity Event++++

Today I got a call asking me to teach at the seminars these guys have been putting on. It is a really cool opportunity to teach some of the rubber guard stuff and twister stuff to some guys who really appreciate it but here is the problem. No one minds taking the time for a good cause but a lot of people aren't in the position to buy a 500 dollar plane ticket either! I am getting ready to open my own gym in three weeks up here in Eugene, Oregon and I just can't come up with the cash for a short notice plane ticket. If any fightwear companies can justify spending the money for a ticket to get me there to teach part of the seminar I can wear their stuff and sell their stuff out of my gym. I know this buisness is hard but whenever I am in a position to help out I am available. If its in any company's budget thats great, lets make it happen. If not its totally understandable. Gerald Strebendt

this is a great opportunity for any fightwear/MMA company out there. Gerald is an amazing fighter, grappler, and person. Lets bring it home!


Eddie has done a lot of good things for me. He got me in a big Japanese magazine as one of the best fighters of all time...we still get a good laugh out of that one! He used to have to pay for all my food when I lived in Hollywood. He literally carried me through the hard times of my career and made sure I had a place to train and a place to stay. I am excited to be opening up the first 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Academy under Eddie. Its a big honor for me.

Keep in mind that Gerald will be joining Master Liborio, Marcus Aurelio, Aaron LaPOinte, and Casey Oxendine. That is a HUGE lineup! All for a good cause for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital (www.stjude.org)

Lets help the man out as an MMA community. The first event I took donations and mma.tv members donated $308. Can we all chip together to help get Gerald here??? Lets all help together just like everybody is for Hurricane Katrina. Anybody able to help?








Fearless Goat.

Why don't you pick up the tab? After all it is part of the cost of your charity event and it is last minute notice. He is willing to step in late......can't you pay for the brothers plane ticket?

yeah you are right. i have $400-500 bucks in my back pocket to cover a plane ticket. 21 year old broke college student.

Gerald is CONFIRMED for the event! Major props to Warpath Fight Gear and Konquer the Kage

glad that is taken care of

holy hell...ticket was $715.

If anybody/any other company would be interested in helping the remaining $215 that would be awesome! I dont want to have to take out of the seminar.

Gerald will be wearing a Warpath Fight Gear T Shirt during instruction on the DVD

any other company that is able to help out, Gerald will be more than happy to wear their shorts during the seminar.





It's on guys! I am excited to be coming out and showing some cool stuff. I am going to go over everything that Eddie Bravo and Jean Jacques Machado have shown me that has turned out to be pure gold. No filler moves, no potty brakes, and no bullshit. This is going to be an eye opener for jiu jitsu freaks! Come out and have a good time if you can. See you there....Gerald