Stephan Bonnar has lost 36 pounds recovering from a near-fatal staph on spine

Stephan Bonnar has a long road ahead in trying to recover from a bad staph infection and fractured vertebrae.

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Caught this on my youtube feed last night. (it’s also in the story link above)

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From last year. RIP.


The video from a year or two ago of him at the hospital was rock bottom. I don’t know if he got the needed help at that time and/or if he was too far gone? Fucking sad story!

There’s a kid without his dad this Christmas and that sucks! My condolences to his family!


Holy shit. RIP…


Can I get a little bit more on Staph? Between hearing this with Bonnar and seeing the hole it ate through randleman can I get a bit more info anyone?

Much appreciared. Any experiences with it yourself? This is fucked!

RIP Bonnar what a great personality in the fight game.

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I’ve had it. I never got crazy sickness over it, but had some gnarly boils. One filled up with puss on my jawline and it made my face look like Hollywood special effects


Need to get any anti biotic creams to calm that down or what? Lol sounds crazy.

Is this something that’s more prevalent in grappling ir?

I had MRSA on my knee, my calf swelled up as big as my thigh and it was by far the worst pain of my life…I had to take two or three different pills and also two different topical things to get rid of it

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I’ve had it multiple times. There were times where I needed to be on strong antibiotics and after a few days the swelling went down. There were other times where I was able to rip out an infected hair follicle and it would make a big enough hole to drain it. It was painful to drain though. Imagine the deepest, fullest zit you’ve ever had.

Yeah grappling sports are staph hot beds.

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Hm I may of had it on my chest once.

I kept squeezing, it hurt and just kept oozing.

9/10 that’s the end of it. It’s possible for it to become a huge problem though.

How do you get it? Dirty gym? Not showering fast enough? Bad luck?

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Same way you get monkey pox

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For years i would jump straight into a hot tub aftertraining and the strong chemicals in the hot tub kept me from even getting a ringworm in all that time while people all around me got staph, ringworm, etc…


All of the above, ringworm and impetigo is the ones that’ll spread to your whole team if the gym is dirty. Had a huge breakout when I was in high school, I think Staph and MRSA are more bad luck

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Yea it came back exact same spot so I popped it again with a ton of puss in it aswell but then I decided to get a cotton swab, douse it with apple cider vinegar and taped it to my chest.

Never had anything pop up there again after this.

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So sad man. Guy really sacrificed his life for mma and for entertainment. Video was tuff to watch.

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Yep ACV definitely works. Ringworm, burn that shit with 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide a couple times. Trust me.