Stipe Miocic vs Brock Lesnar


Forgot to add - the promo at the end was so WWF.  When you think about how all other MMA fighters are after a fight, it almost caught me off guard again even though I knew what to expect.  And calling out the sponsor?  That would be an automatic 3 - 6 month suspension nowadays.

Brock was a real character.

Brock’s takedowns were always just him overpowering the other guy to the ground. He had a great top game control…except in the Cain fight when he thought he was a BJJ guy and tried to advance position before securing Cain.

Most overlooked think about Lesnar-Cain is how easily Brock took Cain down twice, and how easily Cain got back to his feet with Brock trying to pass.

Only because Cain was also a fantastic wrestler himself too. He was able to get back on his feet when Brock took him down

Stipe would not get up from his back once Lesnar got him down

Brock at his best is arguably an all time top 10 HW. Stipe top 5. Plus matchup wise this is a bad matchup for Brock. I think Stipe would have won fairly easily.

How in the fuck did you find a five year old thread and then what prompted you to respond to it?


I’d strangle him to death with what’s left of my intestines.


Lol. On another thread we were talking about troll accounts and alt. accounts for posters. So I went to the Lion King to look at his original threads created to see if he was always a troll or if he slowly gradually became one

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Stipe KO/TKO in under a round.

One is the UFC HW :goat:.

The other is deathly afraid of being hit; so much so that he runs around the octagon stumbling in circles over his own feet.