Stop hating on muscles Rogan!

We know you're trying to make a statement about muscles being useless for fighting, that's bullshit. It's just what you do with it....

Muscle seemed to work well for Carwin.

GladiatorGannon - Muscle seemed to work well for Carwin.

And Palhares.

 Boy, when Rogan wants to make a point he'll do it for the rest of the fight.

leg kicks!

mission control!

That wasn't "hating on muscles", lol. It was hating on TOO MUCH muscles...

BS. Carwin & Lesnar are both elite wrestlers with a large quantity of muscle and extreme amounts of cardio.

Well, we've never seen carwin go more then 1 rd and Lesner was about gassed During rd 1 of the Randy fight... and that was with a MUCH smaller guy pushing him. Its gonna be interesting to see how his cardio holds up with a guy just as big and strong as he is pushing him

ABE FROMAN -  Boy, when Rogan wants to make a point he'll do it for the rest of the fight.

no shit. overkill.

hubris - leg kicks!

mission control!

HAHAHAHAHA dont forget.... a system invented by Eddie Bravo...

ABE FROMAN - We know you're trying to make a statement about muscles being useless for fighting, that's bullshit. It's just what you do with it....

I don't think he's hating on muscles (he's not skiny himself) rather than trying to counter the commonly held (among the not to knowledgable) idea that the more muscular fighter is going to have the advantage, when there is a lot more to it than that. Wallace-Hamman was a perfect example for that.

Pudz will disagree with Rogan

back to the age old argument about different kinds of fitness. brock got stacked using his muscles to do what he does with them now, so his body is conditioned for it. wallace almost certainly got his pumping iron and so his heart and lungs arent conditioned to power it all when he starts going anaerobic.

rogan is right, even if he is a bit over dramtic with his points.

Wallace looks like body builder, and he was huffing and puffing after a few minutes in the first round.
So the hateing by Rogan was justified.

Rogan was correct and the fighter went ahead and proved his point perfectly.

Would have been funnier if he 'overkilled' the fact that one of them looks like a postman imo

I was more concerned with how many times he said "I mean, they look great."

 Hmmm, new nick-name?  "Muscles Rogan"

Funny, Sherk never seems to have cardio problems. There's many muscular guys with good cardio. Have you seen Brock's workout routein? It's safe to say he has cardio. Getting punched and out grappled takes cardio away from even the best guys.

^^^a few examples don't refute what he said. I seem to recall him stating basic facts like "muscle costs a lot of oxygen to power".

 That's why Roy Nelson has a lot of cardio. He's big but has more fat than muscle! ;)