John Frankl and JRockwell,
I've agreed with many of your posts over the years but come on, once you see this I think you can see how your training has been sorely lacking.
Right on, Jarrod.
This is perfectly logical. Thai boxers never (that I have seen in about 7 training trips there) spar really hard. I have also never seen them use elbows in sparring--too risky when you make a living with your body. Does this keep them from brutally dropping each other with full power punches, kicks, knees, and elbows when the situation calls for it? Of course not.
When you are threatened/angry/adrenalized, breaking someone's arm is actually quite natural. It is finding the composure to let it go that is actually hard.
Scrap everything I wrote above. I have seen the light! I now know how to break someone's arm after having broken their back--though, since I have already paralyzed them, I'm not sure why it's necessary.
But, if that weren't enough, I learned to do it from that super high percentage situation of "So you're sitting on the floor playing Nintendo, or watching porn on your laptop, and some guy puts a knife to your neck..." Oh, yeah, that happened to me last week. I f-in wish I had seen the video earlier.
"When you are threatened/angry/adrenalized, breaking someone's arm is actually quite natural. It is finding the composure to let it go that is actually hard. "
Nice, that was exactly what my wordy, muddled post was trying to say.
LOL @ "catching spent casings".
Sam Pai - that's BS. What happened was the guys who were killed attempted to PICK UP the spent casings as they were in the habit of doing so at the range, i.e. clean up after themselves after they were finished shooting. I haven't gone shooting many times but I've never seen people running around trying to catch flying shell casings.
And as for the original Street vs. Sport "anecdote" - if the guy who was attacked was your typical RBSD dude, he'd have gotten smashed right from the get-go. And I really doubt any jits practitioner would've let a guy go if he tapped. People hold submissions and crank them all the time when people tap due to adrenaline, bad blood between the competitors, or serious assholeness, etc. It's not as if sport training suddenly programs us to mindlessly let go when someone taps. People don't suddenly lose every vestige of common sense, aggression and survival instinct because they're playing a sport.
Your average line-backer with no martial arts training would probably smash most assailants into a thin paste. I'd really doubt he'd stop smashing his assailants if some dude in a black and white shirt came running up to him blowing on a whistle.
That is just plain awesome. I'm not sure if the sitting backward elbow strike (which "ruptures" the thigh muscle) or the spine break FOLLOWED by the elbow break is my favorite new technique...
Going to train and try them out now on my unsuspecting "sport JJ" training partner, I'll report back after lunch...
Thank god for SPK posting this type of stuff.
Realize that any training you do today becomes part of your toolkit for life (BJJ/MMA/TMA...whatever it is.) Once in a while, try thinking about how your training will work outside the gym. At some point, you might have to turn on your instincts to get through something rough.
When life catches up with you, the old lady starts crapping out kids, the boss is ragging on your gets tougher to be totally dialed into the BJJ/MMA lifestyle. Try packing on 30lbs, 20 more years, a stiff back and a lot of grey hairs, then try to pull a gogoplata on some 300lb guy a the local tavern when he's waving a broken beer bottle at you.
Oh, and all of the flaming & trolling is just dumb. Your skills in pissing other people off won't get you far in life. You'll just be surrounding yourself with angry people and negative energy.
LOL @ all the serious responses to this piece of fiction.
Good points about the negativity. It seems to be easier to check in person, but the net can bring it out.
As for: "When life catches up with you, the old lady starts crapping out kids, the boss is ragging on your gets tougher to be totally dialed into the BJJ/MMA lifestyle. Try packing on 30lbs, 20 more years, a stiff back and a lot of grey hairs, then try to pull a gogoplata on some 300lb guy a the local tavern when he's waving a broken beer bottle at you."
Yes, and no. I am 40. I have a wife and child. I have a fulltime job. These obviously are high priorities that preclude me from being in the gym 5 hours per day. OTOH, how many kids you have, how many pounds you gain, and hanging out with violent, drunken 300lbers are all choices. You have fallaciously taken the worst choices and tried to make them appear inevitable. They are not.
But that's just it, I don't know one guy in my BJJ classes over the years who DID NOT wonder, 'What would I do in a real fight' and look at what they know and say 'I would try these moves', and those moves were NOT a flying gogoplata.
The whole idea that sport fighters don't know what to do in the street is such nonsense. That's what the whole 'what if you have to fight on lava' joke is about. The whole premise is off. I've had 'street fights' and they were never the paranoid situations that the 'experts' rant about.
Even your post talks about getting old and then trying a gogoplata on a guy with a beer bottle. Is that what you think bjj people would do?? I dont' know any sane person in BJJ who would respond to beer bottle guy with a gogoplata.
But taking another step back, say you are older and have kids.....HOW then do you manage to go to a tavern and get in a fight? Something isn't right. Not in your training, but in your life. If you have kids and you find yourself in a bar and a guy waving a beer bottle at you, you really need to make a few changes in your routine.
A good place to start would be to stop training to kill people at paranoia and insecurity producing RBSD places and start some having fun.
Sam Pai what would you do in this situation? I don't think I'm ready, advice would be much appreciated.
"Try packing on 30lbs, 20 more years, a stiff back and a lot of grey hairs, then try to pull a gogoplata on some 300lb guy a the local tavern when he's waving a broken beer bottle at you."
If he's 300lbs I'd briskly walk away and he'd have a heart attack trying to catch me.
stabs everyone on this thread
Dougie do you still carry a bajillion knives on you wherever you go?
"Fuck with me on the street and it's on until it can't be on anymore."
With this attitude you will get to test your fighting skills again in prison or only jail if you are lucky.
I'm so surprised most of you aren't noticing that (assuming the story was true:):
- A "sport" guy fought 2 armed attackers and
- Knocked the first one out with a DOUBLE LEG which god forbid is NOT supposed to work in TEH STREET! He did not get kneed in the face neither stabbed.
- Actually disabled the second ARMED attacker with a SUBMISSION (which is also NEVER supposed to happen because sport submissions do not work for TEH STREET) without getting stabbed.
The only "bad" part was that he released the submission which is A MENTAL DECISION thing but all his SPORT techniques worked.
"/shoots Dougie and calls cops to report assault/"
In the Canada where me and Dougie live, handguns are a lot harder to get than in the US, unless you know some gangstas from the states to hook you up.
Oh come on:
"The man shrieks in agony and begins slapping his thigh with his free to hand to signal his submission."
We are supposed to believe that this armbar is cranked so hard that it causes the thug to shriek in agony ... but it was not being cranked to the point of damage. Then even more unbelievably we're expected to believe that this thug taps out. Remarkable. And then finally, this JJ guy has been made so non-combative by his training that he loses his mind and lets go of the arm during the middle of a fight. Yep. Boy, wish he had the deadly instincts that have been trained by endless fatal TMA matches between fatties.
Sounds like pure bunk to me.