Is this more Strickland crazy talk or do his comments have merit?
When you show up with a tiddy it is hard to deny you were fucking with your hormones
Anyone who knows anything about peds and hormones knows that men don’t just grow fat tissue on their chest for no reason. It looked like gyno. Anyone with a brain also knows that if a fatty deposit shows up on a dudes chest like that it’s not gonna just go away on its own. He likely had surgery to get it removed but kept that quite, gee I wonder why. All the signs are there, there’s a bunch of dudes in the ufc that have slight gyno, it’s par for the course at this point.
More than likely Izzy was experimenting with some “supplements”. The link between marijuana use and gyno are quite inconclusive.
Gyno doesn’t mean PED use necessarily but when you are getting gyno suddenly in adulthood, ya, PEDs
Im just throwing another alternative view out there but if you look at Izzys older pics it seems to look like hes always had that gyno but it became more clear at 205
Some people store fat differently. His might all go straight to his right titty first.
You would think a UFC fighter….a champion at that would have someone competent giving them PEDs, if they can get whatever they gave him they can get Arimidex just as easy
PCT drugs are also banned.
Lmao@ everything.
How do we know the swelling wasnt just from a BAD titty twister that went away on its own?
I love Izy but this
True but if you can pass the test for testosterone or whatever substance he used Im sure he could mask the arimidex that’s just me assuming as I don’t know anything about masking the tests or what shows up for how long etc, I remember hearing clomid was used for masking and now that’s banned which makes complete sense as I am unaware of why any male would test positive for clomid other than for PCT
I am curious as to what substance is harder to hide though (I am no longer competing so it doesn’t matter what I take, just really curious) I get the half life’s for some drugs and the esters used but no idea on the testing aspect
Not certain but I am pretty sure those pharmaceuticals stay in your system for a while (~10 days?), it would be risky to play with those under usada.
It hurts me to say this cause I am a massive fan but if I had to guess, he was using some sarms or some sort of really fast acting test/anabolic agent like suspension - spiking his test and it coming back down quickly would explain a side effect like gyno especially if done repeatedly
In a perfect world you would control estrogen but if you wanted to cheat and pass you would take the PEDs and not risk the PCT
Whoa!! Mods delete this. There might be some kids posting here, we don’t need gifs of titties bouncing around.