Strikeforce drops a bomb!?

 daleys a better striker, and shields-who has much better wrestling than diaz- had a bitch of a time getting him down.

make it happen

Ecko Unltd -  I would pay to see Daley vs Diaz! I have no idea who takes that one

Nick would certainly have to reconsider his 'box em up' gameplan.

Paul would murder diaz

gangsta101 - Paul Daley would maul Nick Diaz

Diaz by Sub.

Diaz beats Daley by pulling guard.

He had 2 fights with the MFC, And both times he didnt make weight. Diaz would kill him . He's a great fighter but , not against Diaz .

Daley could beat Diaz the way Noons did.

Ecko Unltd - 
smoogy - Paul, if you don't already have representation you should hook up with Ed Soares, it seems like all of his clients are making it big these days

 Ed Soares is a great manager, however Paul already has a great manager who is easy to work with and puts Paul first.

I'll second this, absolutely.

Paul's probably got one of the best managers in the U.K. (he represents two of the eight currently on TUF 9 UK side, in addition to a host of others).

Victory in Slovinia at WFC 8( against BJJ Blackbelt Juniour Barata bring me to 21-8-2 and a well derserved MMA fighting (Will still be fighting Muay Thai/K1 rules) break before the Big on in July.....Watch this space.

Watch my last fight vs Juniour Barata, 1min 12 secs into the video

gangsta101 - Paul Daley would maul Nick Diaz

sit the fuck down son, calm down.

Daley is exciting to watch...kinda like a mini Melvin Manhoef

Who do Strikeforce have in the 170lbs division, who are there top contenders for the title now Jake has gone up to 170lbs?

Where's Jay Hieron at?

orcus - "If his takedown defence was just a little stronger he would have beat Shields. "

You could say that about absolutely anybody. Who has Jake beat standing?

rollerblade bully


Strasser cut 22lbs because he took the fight on 3 days notice and still went the distance. Not to mention the frequent stand ups afforded Daley. Since the topic of missing weight is quite popular as of late, how many times has Daley missed weight in his last 5 fights?

ObamaCare -


WHAT A KNOCKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAMA MIA!!!!!!!!!!



That was a great fight, Nick was dropped and it could have gone either way. I would definitely watch a rematch. Phone Post

Anybody who says that was an easy fight for Nick must be a full retard.some refs would have stopped it when Diaz got dropped Phone Post

What bothers you about it?